Auckland University of Technology (AUT) received funding of $80,420 from the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Hoe ki angitū Innovation Fund to investigate the use of waste glass in the alkali-activation process for stabilising pumice soils.
Bike Auckland received $27,258 to showcase inclusive cycling options for disabled and mobility- impaired people with a series of events, and to identify accessibility barriers on the bike path network in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
Higgins Contractors Limited received funding of $88,400 (excluding GST) to carry out laboratory research on non-petroleum biogenic-sourced bitumen replacements.
Jacobs New Zealand Ltd was funded $299,800 to develop a Concept of Operations for a trial mobility hub in response to the first-round challenge of Hoe ki angitū, the NZTA Innovation Fund: Integrating low-emission first and last-mile solutions.
UsedFULLY Limited received funding of $182,238 (excluding GST) to carry out laboratory research on the incorporation of end-of-life / waste textile fibres into chipseal.
WSP New Zealand Limited received funding of $145,000 (excluding GST) to carry out laboratory research on a range of lignin materials as bitumen replacements.