The Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Awards are a way for us to celebrate our contractors’ and consultants’ successes. It also exhibits outstanding examples of our diverse range of activities on our state highways. These annual awards acknowledge our suppliers’ commitment to our priorities and quality industry standards.
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Winner: Fulton Hogan
Entry: State Highway 16 Te Atatu interchange
This entry was our winner because it provides conclusive proof that great things can happen and do happen in the customer space when your organisation has a strongly embedded customer service culture.
HEB Construction
Winner: Memorial Park Alliance
Entry: National War Memorial Park and Tunnel
Going the extra mile for the community was the hall mark of this entry and using lots of creativity to engage with them, including a crane naming competition with the school and a providing a container viewing platform for the public.
HEB Construction
Fulton Hogan Ltd/HEB Alliance
Winner: HEB/Opus JV
Entry: Marlborough roads network contract
A strong collaborative approach with this entry, with HEB/Opus joint venture with Marlborough Roads. Lots of examples of collaboration, with the team regularly crossing boundaries with other suppliers in their quest to provide a seamless customer journey.
Opus International Consultants
Well-Connected Alliance
Winner: Opus International Consultants & Sicon Ferguson
Entry: State Highway 6 Whanganui River Bridge approach reinstatement
This winner showed there is never a bridge too far when it comes to their customers, evidenced by all staff breaking their Christmas holidays to return to work and reopen road and bridge to minimise the disruption to the small town community. For many in this community the work crews were the local heroes that carried the day and delivered for them.
HEB Construction
Fulton Hogan Ltd/HEB Alliance
Winner: Fulton Hogan
Entry: State Highway 1 and State Highway 14 intersection upgrade
This project had a strong customer culture component and plenty of customer-focused thinking and solution providing, including reinstating the intersection each night as a result of their alternative pavement design.
Opus International & Sicon Ferguson
Auckland Motorway Alliance
Winner: Causeway Alliance
Entry: Health and safety culture that drives innovation
This winner was actively innovative and driven by a desire to be the best they could be in the health and safety space. An example of this was the introduction of red and green halogen lamps on their plant to ensure safety for everyone nearby.
Opus International & Sicon Ferguson
Memorial Park Alliance
Supreme winner: Fulton Hogan
Individual winner: Darren Varcoe
An extraordinary example of going the extra mile in an incredibly pressured situation, while maintaining a remarkable calmness and composure, when others may have wilted. An outstanding individual effort, by a truly outstanding individual, Darren Varcoe.
For more information about the GEM Awards, email us at