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3. Methodology

3.1 Sample selection

A sample of 31 RCAs was chosen for inclusion in the surveys. This included 28 territorial local authorities and three regional offices of Transit New Zealand. The sample was weighted towards authorities not included in the LTSA's surveys of the previous year.

3.2 Interview surveys

Interview surveys were conducted with representatives in each authority. Survey forms were sent in advance to allow time to research answers if necessary. Questions centred on the standards and guidelines used for floodlighting pedestrian crossings.

The questionnaire is attached as Appendix 1.

3.3 Field surveys

Night-time measurements of horizontal illumination (lux) were made on six or more randomly selected floodlit pedestrian crossings and up to four randomly selected pedestrian platforms for each RCA.

The measurements were made with a calibrated lux meter held horizontal at road level at three points along the central axis of the and at another 3 points along the darkest edge of the crossing. The field survey sheet is attached as Appendix 2.

The NZ pedestrian crossing floodlighting standard NZS6701(3) specifies that all points on a crossing should be lit to 20 lux. The six points were chosen to gain an overall indication of illumination on the crossing and to identify the darkest point.

The draft NZ lighting standard AS/NZS 1158 Category P lighting contains lighting requirements for 'traffic management devices' which include pedestrian platforms. The standard specifies a minimum illumination of 3.5 lux at all points on the platform and within an area 3m either side of the platform. In this survey measurements were made along the centre axis of the platform (ie along the line that pedestrians walk) and again parallel to this axis 3 metres beyond the platform.