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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi statement of performance expectations 2024/25

Published: | Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Our statement of performance expectations (SPE) provides a snapshot of what we will invest in and deliver over the year to achieve our 4 system outcomes: meeting current and future needs, effectively and efficiently moving people and freight, safe and environmentally sustainable. A detailed description of each system outcome, why these outcomes matter for New Zealand and how we will measure progress toward them is in our statement of intent 2024–2028.

Guided by government expectations of what we will focus on and how we will perform our core statutory roles, our SPE sets out how we will measure performance for the services we deliver and the investments we made through the National Land Transport Programme, and our forecast financial statements.

This publication is a combined document containing both the statement of intent 2024–2028 and the statement of performance expectations 2024/25.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: July 2024
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN/ISSN: ISSN 1173-2237 (print), ISSN 1173-2296 (online)


Statement of responsibility | Tauākī haepapatanga

What we will deliver over 2024/25 | Ā mātou kawenga hei te 2024/25

Use of the National Land Transport Fund | Te whakamahi i te Tahua Tūnuku o te Motu

Prospective financial statements | Ngā tūponotanga pūrongo pūtea

Appendices | Ngā āpitihanga

Download a copy of the publication [PDF, 3.6 MB]

Explanatory notes are in process of being finalised and will be available soon.