The TCD rule clause 7.7(2) states markings or delineators must be provided on the roadway beside raised traffic islands to inform drivers of the presence and extent of the traffic island.

Markings should be provided in advance of traffic islands and other features on the road surface to warn of potential hazards.

Features that separate opposing traffic (refer to medians and median islands) should be marked differently from features that separate diverging traffic section (refer to traffic islands separating diverging traffic).

Medians and median islands

Traffic islands separating diverging traffic

Medians and median islands

At median islands, the following marking should be installed:

  • where a median island is preceded by a flush median, the border markings should be continued past the median island. If necessary, the hatching bars should be interrupted (refer to flush medians);
    Flush medians
  • where there are two or more median islands within a flush median, if the spacing between the median islands is greater than the spacing of the hatching bars, marking of the hatching bars should continue between the islands;
  • where a median island is preceded by a centre-line it should be marked to indicate a no-passing restriction on approach to the island as per the details given in Table 6‑3 and shown in Figure 6‑1; and
    Table 6-3
    Figure 6‑1
  • where a median island is otherwise preceded by no markings to separate opposing traffic, a centre-line should be marked over a minimum of length 30m in urban areas and 100m in rural areas to indicate a no-passing restriction on approach to the island as per the details given in Table 6‑3 and shown in Figure 6‑1; and
  • where the only feature in a median island is a road safety barrier, the right-hand side edgeline, adjacent to the median island, should be marked with a continuous white line of 100mm width and yellow RRPMs. Yellow RRPMs may also be installed at other locations where the RCA considers that they are necessary to improve delineation of median islands.

Where the feature is located on a road which is illuminated, and vehicle speeds are low, markings on approach to the island may be omitted if the RCA considers that it is safe to do so.

Table 6‑3: Centre-line markings specifications for approaches to median islands


Urban or rural

Urban alternative


Reflectorised yellow

Reflectorised white





To the left of an acceptable line type, described in: 

No-passing lines legislation

As illustrated in Figure 6‑1(c)

Figure 6-1






50m minimum rural
30m minimum urban

30m minimum

Advance warning

As for no passing line

None required

Figure 6-1: Markings in advance of medians or median islands

Illustration of markings in advance of urban and rural two-lane road, urban and rural multi-lane road, urban alternative two-lane road and urban alternative multi-lane road

View larger image [JPG, 172 KB]

Traffic islands separating diverging traffic

Where traffic islands separate diverging traffic (or traffic travelling in the same direction) such as in advance of a raised left turn island or major diverge of traffic they should be marked with chevron markings.

The approach marking should consist of two diverging reflectorised white lines enclosing a broad chevron pattern of reflectorised white bars (chevrons) as shown in Figure 6‑2(a).

Figure 6‑2(a)

Markings on approaches to raised traffic islands separating diverging traffic should be marked as follows in Table 6‑4 and Figure 6‑2.

Table 6‑4: Markings in advance of traffic islands separating diverging traffic






Reflectorised white

Reflectorised white

Border width



Bar width



Bar spacing



Bar slope







30m minimum

50m minimum

Figure 6-2: Markings in advance of traffic islands separating diverging traffic

(a) At diverge of traffic
Image showing markings in advance of traffic islands at diverge of traffic

View larger image [JPG, 1.4 MB]

(b) Chevron marking details

Image showing the chevron marking details of traffic island separating diverging traffic

View larger image [JPG, 285 KB]

Figure 6-2 note:

  1. The 300mm offset in (b) is from the edge of the traffic island to the outside edge of chevron marking.

The default length of the diverge taper should be 50m for rural situations and 30m for urban situations as illustrated in Figure 6‑2 (b). However, the calculation included in audio tactile profiled roadmarkings should be used for cases to determine whether a greater length of diverge taper is required. Similarly, for merging on departure from a feature, the calculation included in audio tactile profiled roadmarkings should be used to determine the length of merge taper required.

Audio tactile profiled roadmarkings