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Meet the team

You have a great team dedicated to supporting the code of practice. We all know how important the code is to all users of the document and we are focused on supporting its effective application.

Our team are specialists in temporary traffic management, training and education, assessment, engineering and technical details, audit processes, safety awareness, and industry best practice.

Collectively we support Waka Kotahi and all industries with everything related to TTM.

Danny Wood – Traffic and Safety Engineer

Danny Wood – Traffic and Safety Engineer
TTM technical advice and auditing.

Kim Laurenson – Senior Advisor Technical Training and Education

Kim Laurenson – Team Lead Technical Training and Education
TTM training and competency.

 Helen Majorhazi – CoPTTM Technical Support Officer

Helen Majorhazi – Road Safety Technical Support Officer
Road safety technical support and administration.

James Hughes – Lead Safety Advisor (Roads & Roadsides)

James Hughes – Lead Safety Advisor (Roads & Roadsides)
Waka Kotahi CoPTTM document owner.

What we do

Our core activities

We are keeping the code up to date by using the latest feedback and research to inform decision, regulation and best practice requirements, providing industry training under the TTM training and competency model, maintaining a database of all TTM warranted trainees in New Zealand, and managing TTM training content.

How we do this

We work with TTM specialists inside and outside of Waka Kotahi, audit TTM sites, work with representatives from the temporary traffic management industry, are a member of Austroads, and work closely with Connexis to maintain qualifications and unit standards related to temporary traffic management.

Get in touch with us

Contact us for queries and support on different disciplines and topics.


Complete the online query form


Report incidents that occur at roadworks sites

Submit your feedback on the code of practice for temporary traffic management

For all TTM training and TTM warrant card enquiries. Send training registration forms here

TTM Trainers - notify us of workshops you will be running
(This email address is monitored for TTM workshop notifications only)

Submit all temporary barrier assessments for marking