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Engagement with iwi, stakeholders and the community has helped to inform the development of the Northern Corridor Improvements project since 2014.

In 2017, an independent Board of Inquiry (BOI) process through the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) was held to hear the designation and resource consent application for the project. As part of this process, advertising to encourage public submissions on the project was placed in newspapers and online and two open days were held at the project’s office. During the hearing, a full history of the project’s public consultation was submitted in evidence and heard by the BOI.

 EPA Board of Inquiry process

22 November 2017

Following a public hearing in mid-2017, the Board of Inquiry (BOI) announced it has approved all consents and designation for the Northern Corridor Improvements project.

To read the decision, conditions and transcripts for the BOI process, visit link)

29 May 2017

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has published a section on its website dedicated to hosting updates, documents and evidence for the upcoming Board of Inquiry (BOI) for the project.

This section can be viewed at link) and now contains for example, full copies of:

The public submission period closed on 22 March 2017.



Approval of these consents was granted by the BOI on 22 November 2017 and construction began in April 2018. 

On this page:


Monthly information events

During construction, we’ll be hosting monthly info events where iwi, stakeholders and the wider community can receive updates on specific areas of the project and will have the opportunity to provide feedback.

View summary reports:

Inaugural open days – December 2017

As part of its consent approvals by the BOI, we took part in a community Christmas event on Friday 8 December 2017 and held a community open day on Saturday 9 December 2017, so that people could learn more about how the project will be managed during construction.

Auckland Northern Corridor open day flyer [PDF, 843 KB]

Public consultation – June/August 2016

In June 2016, Waka Kotahi announced it had completed its two year investigation, planning and business case process of the Northern Corridor Improvements project. This also included gaining approval from its board for the overall draft alignment plan (an output of the final Detailed Business Case).

The draft alignment plan confirmed which previous option/s shown in earlier consultations were approved to proceed into the resource consenting phase and be developed into more in depth design and engineering plans that considered safety, engineering and construction requirements.

To help inform this work prior to lodgement of consents at the end of 2016, we sought further feedback on several detailed topics:

  • Opportunities for urban design
  • What benefits and issues people saw of a potential new bus station for the Northern Busway extension
  • What connection points people would like to see on the new shared paths
  • Feedback from the Unsworth Heights community on a proposal to build a bridge at Unsworth Drive over SH18.

Households and businesses on the North Shore north of Glenfield and the wider Rodney area were posted a newsletter with a request to complete an online or hard copy survey or visit us at one of eight open day events. Meetings were also held with property owners and stakeholder groups. The survey closed on Friday 22 July 2016. 

In response, more than 485 people completed feedback forms, and we connected with an additional 800 people from the community at our open day events.

An overview of the key themes that emerged during the 2016 consultation period, and how they influenced the final design submitted for resource consent, are outlined in this poster.

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Public consultation – August/September 2015

In August 2015, the short listed design plan option/s from the  Indicative Business Case (IBC) were announced for further community consultation and feedback. The public submission period for feedback on these designs closed on 18 September 2015. A brochure outlining the plans and asking for feedback on specific design aspects was mailed to households and businesses around the wider project area, local stakeholder groups and property owners were invited to one on one meetings, six open day events were held in different locations, and an online feedback form was made.

More than 1,200 people had their say during this period, either visiting us at one of our events, phoning, emailing or dropping by our Infohub office.

This consultation focused on feedback on several specific topics:

  • The multiple options still being considered for several local road changes required when Upper Harbour Highway is upgraded to a State Highway – this included options for new bridges and/or underpasses to ensure community connectivity.
  • The design of the Northern Busway extension, shared path access points and possible new station options.
  • A proposal for over 5kms of shared paths along SH1 and SH18, and an additional 25kms of connecting paths all around the area.

This consultation was held in partnership with Auckland Transport to progress ideas and consult on all these aspects.

Community feedback received during this period was combined with other stakeholder feedback and further technical analysis to help inform the draft alignment plan and Detailed Business Case (DBC).

To read a summary of feedback themes from 2015 and how they have influenced the next stage of design, see this poster [PDF, 258 KB].

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Joint transport consultation – July 2015

Our team went out and about supporting Auckland Transport at several New Network bus route consultation events on the North Shore in July 2015. At these events our team helped to explain how the proposed new bus routes would benefit from the Northern Busway extension being part of the NCI project. You can view an archived copy of Auckland Transport’s New Network information and our supporting flyer from these events below.

While Auckland Transport reported back to the community on its new network, Waka Kotahicombined the Northern Busway extension feedback received with the results of our September 2015 consultation to help inform our final design plans.

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Initial public consultation – November 2014

In 2014 the initial range of multiple options proposed for the Northern Corridor Improvements project and Northern Busway were announced and discussed with iwi, stakeholders, local businesses and residents and the wider community at a series of public events.

More than 500 submissions were made and this feedback along with further detailed analysis and geotechnical work was used to help the team further narrow down the options put forward in 2015.

You can view the multiple options presented in this consultation on the publications page, under the 'Public Consultation' tab.


View our summary of the changes we made to our design plans following the public feedback we received.

Summary of the changes