SH1 Belfast to Pegasus motorway and Woodend Bypass

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Project introduction

This Road of National Significance project will create an efficient and reliable motorway connection between Belfast and Pegasus, while supporting economic growth and reducing community severance through Woodend.

  • Estimated project dates

    Jul 2024–Dec 2030
  • Project type

    Road improvements
  • Project status


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About the project

SH1 from Belfast to Pegasus is the key freight route to the north of Christchurch, and the growing population and related increased traffic volumes are causing travel time and reliability issues along the corridor.

Growth and increasing traffic numbers using SH1 through Woodend is creating safety and access issues for the local community, and this will only get worse as traffic continues to grow.

Growth and significant commercial developments in Pegasus and Ravenswood have led to high traffic volumes sooner than anticipated, and this is leading to delays and safety concerns for people and children crossing between developments at the Pegasus roundabout.

The SH1 Belfast to Pegasus Motorway and Woodend Bypass includes a 9km extension on SH1 north of Christchurch from the SH1/SH71 Lineside Road interchange to just north of the Pegasus roundabout. This project has been prioritised for delivery as one of the Roads of National Significance.

The project will help reduce congestion, improve safety and travel times, and reduce community severance in Woodend.

  • Project timeline

    Planning is still underway, and the final costs and funding sources for the project haven’t been finalised at this stage.

    Once the funding is confirmed, our first job will be to make sure that what was put in place in 2011-14 is still fit for purpose in 2024 with the additional growth and development that has happened in the area since this time.  

  • Benefits
    • An efficient and reliable state highway connection between Belfast and Pegasus that supports economic growth in Woodend, Pegasus and Ravenswood.
    • Improved access and community connection for Woodend.
    • Freight can get where it’s needed to keep our economy thriving.
  • Key features

    Providing a motorway extension and an alternative corridor bypassing Woodend will improve resilience to this nationally significant corridor and significant traffic relief for the community. It will support economic growth and improve local connections for Woodend, Pegasus and Ravenswood.

    Key features of the project include:

    • An upgraded four-lane motorway between SH71 Lineside Road and Williams Street, Pineacres.
    • A new section of four-lane motorway that bypasses Woodend Town Centre to the east between Williams Street, Pineacres and Pegasus Boulevard/Bob Robertson Drive.
    • Access to the local road network at Lineside Road, Williams Street and Pegasus Boulevard/Bob Robertson Drive.
    • Overbridges at Woodend Beach Road and Gladstone Road to maintain these local connections.