Project introduction

The Strand Optimisation Project is a joint project between NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Auckland Transport (AT). The project runs along The Strand between Alten Road and Tāmaki Drive in Auckland. The project aims to improve efficiency, travel choice and safety along this busy corridor.

  • Project type

    Road improvements, Safety improvements
  • Project status

    Construction, Design

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Community engagement

In 2023, we started engaging with our partners, stakeholders, residents, and businesses on the proposed changes to The Strand (SH16) between Alten Road and Tāmaki Drive. Throughout the project people have been given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the design. All feedback has been collated and considered during the development of the design.

Concept design feedback summary – September 2023 [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Over the past year, our project team has continued to develop the design and complete technical assessments and investigations. We have now completed the detailed design for all improvements and are able to share these details in full with our partners, stakeholders and community.

If you have any comments or questions about the project, email the project team:

Project overview

With the predicted future population growth in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, there will be greater travel demand on our existing networks and infrastructure. This means we need to consider a range of tools to optimise our transport networks by using the space we have more efficiently and effectively. To achieve this, the city needs to make better use of the existing network and focus on travel time savings by improving efficiency for freight and high occupancy vehicles, while providing safe, effective and resilient transport options. The Strand Optimisation project is one of many projects that aims to achieve this change.

  • Project aims

    The Strand optimisation project aims to improve:

    • efficiency for freight and high-occupancy vehicles by creating a special vehicle lane (SVL).
    • travel choice and efficiency by creating a safe, separated shared use path (SUP) from Alten Rd to Tāmaki Drive for people who walk and cycle.
    • safety for all users through further road improvements, new pedestrian crossings, and upgrading intersections.
  • Auckland Network Optimisation (ANO)

    The Strand Optimisation project is one of the first major projects being delivered by the Auckland Network Optimisation (ANO) programme. The aim of the ANO is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the network, with relatively inexpensive and quick changes to our roads and paths, to improve efficiency, agility, safety and support economic growth outcomes. This project supports the ANO programme by improving efficiency and safety for people, freight and high occupancy vehicles.

    Auckland Network Optimisation programme


Stages for improvements

As we progressed through the detailed design, alongside ongoing discussions with partners and stakeholders, we have made the decision to deliver the project in stages:

  • Stage 1 improvements: implementing a special vehicle lane (SVL), relocating or removing bus stops, installing new pedestrian crossings, and upgrading intersections.
  • Stage 2 improvements: implementing a shared use path (SUP).

Auckland System Management (ASM), operate and maintain Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland motorway network. As part of their rehabilitation programme there is some upcoming road works that will require road closure / traffic management restrictions. To avoid rework on the road and minimise disruptions to the local community and road users, we have accelerated the design and delivery of Stage 1 to align with these planned works.

Auckland System Management (ASM)

Construction is expected to start on Stage 1 in late 2024/early 2025, and will take around five months to complete, subject to weather conditions.

For more detail on the construction works, please see ASM’s upcoming maintenance page:

Upcoming maintenance

  • Stage 1 improvements

    A special vehicle lane (SVL) will be created on either side of The Strand between the intersection of Parnell Rise/The Strand and west of St Georges Bay Road to help move people and freight around more reliably. The SVL will be for vehicles with two or more people (T2) and heavy vehicles, operating between 6.30AM – 10:00AM and 4:00PM – 7:00PM, Monday to Friday. No parking will be permitted along the SVL to ensure two lanes are always available.

    A number of bus stops will need to be relocated or removed including:

    • The bus stop and shelters outside The Strand train station will be relocated between the trees outside of U-Save, avoiding the removal of any trees in this location.
    • The bus stops located just north of Sudbury Terrace will be removed.
    • Both parallel bus stops on Gladstone Road will be moved east to safely accommodate the new signalised crossing.
    • The bus stop on the southern side of The Strand, nearest the Saatchi & Saatchi building, will be relocated 20 meters west to improve safety for bus movements.

    Upgrades to existing intersections and providing new pedestrian crossings

    • The Alten Road crossing will be located further north to align with the shared use path entrance on Churchill Street, providing a single movement for crossing Alten Road.
    • The two existing crossings required to cross Alten Road will be removed.
    • Two new signalised crossing will be added; one across Nicholls Lane and one along Gladstone Road, just west of Balfour Road.
    • No new signalised pedestrian crossings will be built along The Strand, as previously proposed.
    • Minor improvements are proposed at the SH16/Alten Road/Nicholls Lane and Stanley Street intersection.
    • The camber of the road will be adjusted along The Strand near the St Georges Bay Road intersection and The Strand train station to increase safety due to instances of truck roll-over events which have occurred in the past.

    View larger map [PDF, 177 KB]

  • Stage 2 improvements

    The Stage 2 improvements include:

    • Connecting the SUP to the existing Grafton Gully SUP just prior to Alten Road. It will follow the existing path on Churchill Street to the new signalised crossing, then run along Beach Road and connect to The Strand up to the rail overbridge. It will be separated from the road to improve safety, road efficiency and productivity.
    • Two-way travel for the entire length of the SUP.
    • Installation of high kerbs on the approach to the rail overbridge and adjustments to the lane positions to improve vehicle tracking to prevent kerb runover.
    • Upgrades to the existing fence extending from just north of Sudbury Terrace to the rail overbridge.
    • Zebra crossings on all side streets to provide SUP users with priority.

    View larger map [PDF, 202 KB]

  • Next steps

    With the detailed design now complete, we are moving forward with the consenting process for stage 2. We anticipate that physical works will begin in April 2025, although the final timeline will depend on the outcome of the consenting process and the final construction methodology.

    View larger image [PDF, 18 KB]


Frequently asked questions

  • What will happen with the parking along The Strand?

    We acknowledge the importance of parking in this area for businesses and their customers. We must find a balance between parking needs and efficiency of the transport network. The project will remove 29 on-street parking spaces to create space for the special vehicle lane on The Strand.

    The project will retain 12 on-street parking spaces, 9 on The Strand and 3 on Shipwright Lane. An additional 14 parking spaces will also be formalised on Shipwright Lane, with no time restrictions.

    All on-street parking along The Strand will be time limited and enforced by Auckland Transport to ensure fair usage of the parking spaces and optimise parking opportunities throughout the day for customers and visitors. There are also many paid parking locations along The Strand which will continue to be available.

  • What changes are happening to the bus stops and shelters?

    Bus Stop ID 1358: This bus stop outside of The Strand train station will be relocated between the trees outside of U-Save, avoiding the removal of any trees in this location.

    Bus stop ID 1336/1331: Both bus stops located just north of Sudbury Terrace will be removed.

    Bus stop ID 7646/7653: Both parallel bus stops on Gladstone Road will be moved east to safely accommodate the new signalised crossing.

    Bus stop ID 1353: This bus stop on the southern side of The Strand, nearest Saatchi & Saatchi building, will need to be relocated 20 meters west so that buses can approach and stop safely. This space will be repurposed as two on-street timed parking.

    The bus shelter at the following stops will be removed in late December 2024:

    • 1358 – 93 The Strand
    • 1336 – 88 The Strand
    • 7646 – 112 Gladstone Road
    • 7653 – 112 Gladstone Road

    The removal of these shelters will facilitate the Stage 1 improvements of The Strand Optimisation project, scheduled for January 2025. You can still catch your bus at these locations, but please note that there won’t be a shelter available. Once construction is complete, the bus shelters will be re-installed at the new bus stop locations.

  • Why wasn’t the SUP consent lodged at the same time as the SVL?

    The consent for the SVL was lodged earlier because its detailed design was accelerated to align with ASM’s planned works, as mentioned above. However, the detailed design for the SUP required additional work and consultation with key stakeholders before we were in a position to apply for the consent. This process took longer, which is why the SUP consent couldn’t be lodged at the same time as the SVL.

    Stage 2 can be built separately from the ASM rehabilitation works as it can be primarily built without road disruptions and has minimal interface with the special vehicle lane works planned in Stage 1.

  • Are you making changes to Gladstone and St Georges Bay Road intersections?

    At this stage, there are no planned works to change the Gladstone/The Strand intersection, as it is out of scope and budget of this project. The camber of the road at the St Georges Bay Rd/The Strand will be adjusted to increase safety due to instances of truck roll-over events which have occurred in the past.

    Further changes to these intersections have been identified as part of the longer-term 10-year programme. Whilst details of this are limited, the future rail overbridge upgrades will alter the layout of Gladstone Road and incorporate upgrades to these intersections.

  • Are you making changes to the rail overbridge?

    The Strand rail overbridge is 98 years old and due for replacement. It will be upgraded as part of a separate programme of works in the coming years. More planning and design work is required to better understand what the design will include, and physical works will follow. Considering this, no alterations will be made to the bridge. For the shared use path, we will make minor changes to the kerb leading up to the bridge to improve safety and address the issue of vehicles running over the footpath.

  • Can NZTA combine the bridge upgrade with this project to save the hassle down the line?

    The bridge upgrades will be funded by a different programme of works which is still being worked through. While we acknowledge that upgrades to the bridge will cause disruption down the track, it simply is not ready to be delivered in line with this project. We are in a position where we can make relatively inexpensive and quick changes to our roads and paths on The Strand to make it more efficient and safer without waiting for the longer-term programme of works.

  • Can you provide a connection to the shared use path on Tāmaki Drive/Quay Street?

    We are limited to what we can provide as it comes down to the project scope and funding for this short-term project. To continue the shared use path to the intersection of Quay St/Tāmaki Drive would require a full upgrade to the Tāmaki Drive railway overbridge, which is projected to exceed the budget made available to us and will be delivered in a separate programme of works in the coming years.

  • Will this project improve flood resilience?

    Auckland System Management (ASM) and Auckland Council are looking at existing and future stormwater management for the wider area and implications for the transport network. This may include upgrading the stormwater network in the project area, which is separate to The Strand Optimisation project.

    The maintenance programme for the stormwater network along The Strand has undergone a review process, as a result the frequency of routine maintenance has increased. We know that The Strand is as a high-risk site, and ASM have processes in place to reduce the impact from expected large wet weather events.
