Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.
This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.
This page provides information about funding assistance rates (FARs) to be applied in the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) period. FARs are the funding contribution, in percentage terms, that we (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) make to an approved organisation for a land transport activity. FARs are reviewed every three years, before each NLTP.
We will contribute to approved organisations’ eligible transport activities in accordance with FAR policy and our assessment of value for money. Funding assistance will be provided:
- at a FAR set under the FAR policy, or
- as an amount that reflects our consideration of value for money from our investment in an activity and our assessment of the level of supplementary funding available or potentially available for an activity.
The policy governs how FARs are set, defines the criteria for adjustments and front-loading of FARs, and explains the situations where we may agree to higher-than-normal targeted enhanced FARs.
For details, see the FAR policy.
Funding assistance rates policy
FARs for the 2021–24 NLTPBack to top
Normal funding assistance rates
Targeted enhanced funding assistance rates
Other funding assistance rates
Model for normal FARs for 2021–24Back to top
The model used to set normal FARs may be viewed here.
Normal FAR 2021–24 model [XLSX, 1.1 MB]
Transition to target normal FARsBack to top
Most approved organisations will have made the transition to normal FARs by 2018/19, due to the Waka Kotahi decision to accelerate transition for those with increasing FARs. The remaining approved organisations with decreasing FARs will make the transition by 2023/24.
2014 FAR review and transition process
For details about the review process and how approved organisations have been transitioned to their target normal FAR, please visit the FAR review site.
Funding assistance rates (FAR) review
Variations to normal FARsBack to top
The following variations to normal FARs will apply:
- Special purpose roads:
FARs for special purpose roads (SPRs) that have yet to transition to the approved organisation’s normal FAR are set out in the table of other FARs.
Other funding assistance rates
All SPRs are to transition to the approved organisation’s normal FAR by the start of the 2024–27 NLTP. During the 2021–24 NLTP Waka Kotahi will continue to engage with each approved organisation to confirm the transition arrangements.
- Total Mobility activities:
Refer to the other FAR tables for Total Mobility FARs that apply during the 2021–24 NLTP.
Other funding assistance rates
- Emergency works:
The Waka Kotahi emergency works policy has been revised as part of the FAR review. Details of the new policy are set out under work category 141.
Work category 141: Emergency works
For clarity, please note the following for the 2021–24 NLTP:
- Rail level crossing warning devices:
Maintenance and renewal of rail level crossing warning devices and barrier arms under work category 131 and the local road component of rail level crossing warning device improvements under work category 321 are funded with co-investment by us at the approved organisation's normal FAR.
Work category 131: Level crossing warning devices
Work category 321: New traffic management facilities
KiwiRail will effectively fund the improvement programme in the 2021–24 NLTP to arrive at a normal cost-share position at the end of the programme. As a result, the FAR for level crossing warning devices will be the approved organisation’s normal FAR for the 2021–24 NLTP.
- Stock effluent facilities:
The approved organisation's normal FAR will apply for construction of access roads for facilities located on local roads. Refer to the Waka Kotahi stock effluent facility policy for details.
Stock effluent facilities