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Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2018-21 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

This section provides a summary of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's planning, funding and procurement delegations as at 29 May 2019.

Delegations in Waka KotahiBack to top

Waka Kotahi has three levels of delegation:

  • from the Board to Board Committees or the Chief Executive;
  • from the Chief Executive to Group Managers
  • from Group Managers to staff.

This section summarises current planning, funding and procurement delegations. Waka Kotahi staff are advised to refer to the current Instruments of Delegation(external link) (Waka Kotahi link only), to ensure full understanding of the delegations.

Note: The following delegations highlight those relating to funding  approval. Other delegations which mention a funding limit, e.g. entering into a contract for  physical works or property purchase, should be seen as separate and only apply once  funding has been approved.

Delegations outside Waka KotahiBack to top

Waka Kotahi Board has agreed that approved organisations may receive delegated power to make funding approvals for small improvement projects up to $5 million construction/implementation cost per activity.

This is provided that:

  • Waka Kotahi is confident that the approved organisation has the financial management, governance, risk management, and staff capability to exercise the delegations,
  • the approved organisation enters into a formal agreement with Waka Kotahi,
  • there are sufficient (up to $5 million)  projects in the approved organisation's programme to warrant setting up the delegation.

In effect, the Instrument of Delegation is from the Group Manager Investment & Finance to the approved organisation, and is subject to the terms and conditions required to meeting Waka Kotahi expectations, principles and policy, as detailed in this Knowledge Base.

Programme management delegationsBack to top

Organisations have delegated authority to manage programmes of activities, which includes the authority to transfer approved allocated funds between work categories within the programme subject to terms and conditions formally advised by Waka Kotahi.

These programmes are:

  • road maintenance programmes (road controlling authorities)
  • public transport services programmes (regional authorities)
  • minor improvements programmes (road controlling authorities and authorities delivering public transport activities)
  • improvement projects up to $5 million  (Auckland Transport only)
  • road safety promotion programmes (Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi).


  • Business cases

    Endorse Point of Entry

    To endorse the Point of  Entry for all projects.

    Scale (cost impact of strategic case)


    Business Rule ID

    All projects

    Senior Manager System Planning BR149


    Endorse strategic business cases 

    To endorse a Strategic Business Case.

    Scale (Cost impact)


    Business Rule ID

    All projects

    Senior Manager System Planning  BR149b


    Support development  and approve funding of business cases 

    To approve proceeding with the development of any Strategic Case, inclusive of approval of any funding associated with the development of the Strategic Case, provided that the funding does not exceed the total Budget allocated to Transport Planning in the approved NLTP/Business Plan.

    Scale (Cost impact)


    Business Rule ID

    All Waka Kotahi strategic cases

    Senior Manager System Planning



    To approve proceeding with the development of any Programme Business Case after the Strategic Case, inclusive of approval of any funding associated with the development of the Programme Business Case, provided that the funding does not exceed the total Budget allocated to Transport Planning in the approved NLTP/Business Plan. 

    Scale (Cost impact)


    Business Rule ID

    All Waka Kotahi business cases  Senior Manager System Planning 


    Conditions for the delegations above: Support for proceeding with a Business Case does not commit Waka Kotahi to investing in the programmes or activities it identifies.


    Adding business cases to the NLTP

    To vary the NLTP by adding business cases.

    Note that the Board needs to be advised of adding any Programme Business Cases.



    Business Rule ID

    All  business cases

    Senior Manager Enterprise Change;
    Senior Manager System Planning

     Condition: Board needs to be advised of adding any Programme Business Cases.


    Endorse programme business cases

    To endorse a programme business case (which may include activity management plans), provided the business case hasn't been developed by the office holder's Business Unit. If the business case has been developed by the office holder's Business unit, then approval must be escalated.

    Scale (cost impact of strategy)


    Business Rule ID

    Implementation cost is likely to be up to $50 million.

    Senior Manager Operational Policy, Planning and Performance (Transport Services)*

    If the business case has been developed by the office holder's Business unit, then approval must be escalated to a office holder that has delegation above this threshold.


    Implementation cost is likely to be up to $100 million.

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)*

    If the business case has been developed by the office holder's Business unit, then approval must be escalated to the Board.


    Implementation cost is likely to be greater than $100 million

    Board* BR151b

    * Note that this does not include any funding approval.

     Condition: All business cases must be approved by a different Business Unit manager than the Business Unit where the Business Case has originated.

    Delegates should consider the scale and significance of the programme business case, and seek higher endorsement as appropriate.

    Funding of business cases from Programme Business Cases is covered under "Support development and funding of Business Cases".


    Endorse single stage business cases 

    Endorse a single stage business case, provided the business case hasn't been developed by the office holder's Business Unit.  If the business case has been developed by the office holder's Business unit, then approval must be escalated to an office holder that has delegation above this threshold.  

    Scale (cost impact of strategy)


    Business Rule ID

    Implementation cost is likely to be up to $1 million.

    NB covered by Low cost, low risk programmes

    All business groups: 

    Senior Manager Operational Policy, Planning & Performance;
    Senior Manager Operational Policy, Planning & Intelligence


    Implementation cost is likely to be up to $15 million.

    Senior Manager Operational Policy, Planning and Performance (Transport Services) BR156

    Implementation cost is likely to be up to $50 million.

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO) BR157

     Condition: All business cases must be approved by a different Business Unit manager than the Business Unit where the business case has originated.

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  • Funding approval

    Approve funding, and any variations of funding, for any phase of an NLTP activity.



    Business Rule ID

    Up to $50 million for any phase of an NLTP activity.

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO) BR210


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  • Programme variations

    Maintenance and public transport programmes variations

    To approve funding, and any variations of funding, for maintenance and public transport programmes within the limits of funding approved for allocation to the relevant activity classes by the Board.



    Business Rule ID

    All variations within Board limit

    Senior Manager I&F Operational Policy, Planning and Performance (Corporate Support) BR160

    Research programme variations

    To approve funding, and any variations of funding, for research activities within the limits of funding approved for allocation to the relevant activity class by the Board.



    Business Rule ID

    All variations within Board limit

    Senior Manager Research and Analytics BR161


    Road safety programme variations

    To approve funding, and any variations of funding, for Waka Kotahi nationally delivered Road Safety Promotion activities within the limits of funding approved for allocation to the relevant activity classes by the Board.



    Business Rule ID

    All variations within Board limit

    Senior Manager I&F Operational Policy, Planning and Performance (Corporate Support) BR162

    Note: Approval of funding for approved organisations and Waka Kotahi state highway  Road Safety Promotion programmes is covered under "Funding Approval".

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  • Emergency works activities

    To approve funding and any variations to that funding for emergency works activities up to the limits shown in the table below per event and per Approved Organisation and Waka Kotahi region.

    Scale (New approval and variations*)


    Business Rule ID

    Up to $1 million

    Manager System Management (Transport Services)


    Up to $5 million

    Senior Manager System Management (Transport Services)


    Up to $15 million

    Senior Manager Operational Policy, Planning and Performance (Transport Services)


    Greater than $15 million

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO; Corporate Support)

    BR 210

    * If cumulative variations mean that the cost will exceed the delegated authority for approving funding of the activity, the proposed variation must be elevated for approval to the appropriate level of delegation. 

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  • Funding transfers between activity classes

    To approve transfer of funds between activity classes for the purpose of managing the NLTP.



    Business Rule ID

    Where delivery of the Government Policy Statement (GPS) outputs by activity class may be materially impacted.



    Where delivery of the Government Policy Statement (GPS) outputs by activity class are not materially impacted.

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


     * Where expenditure is likely to fall outside of the GPS range, the Minister's approval will be required to adjust the GPS range,

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  • Use of debt facility

    To approve use of existing debt facilities (inclusive of the NLTP short term debt facility to manage unexpected and unavoidable cash flow variations) in accordance with the instructions from the Minister of Transport and/or and Minister of Finance to the Chair of the Board.



    Business Rule ID

    Within limit of the debt facility* 

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


    *For the NLTP short term debt facility current limits are $175m is for annual cycle cash-flow management and $75m for unexpected revenue and expenditure shocks.

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  • Purchase of state highway property

    To approve all property purchases under work category 331.



    Business Rule ID

    Total cost of up to $15 million*

    Senior Manager Transport Property


    Total cost of up to $20 million*

    General Manager of Transport Services


    Total cost of over $20 million



    *Condition: All acquisition and disposal processes take place in accordance with the Public Works Act and can only be undertaken by specialists accredited to LINZ.

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  • Procurement decisions

    To endorse the procurement strategies of approved organisations for any procurement project or activity up to the limits shown in the table below.


    Scale (annual procurement spend)


    Business Rule ID

    Endorse procurement strategies of approved organisations

    Up to $100 million per annum

    Senior Manager Procurement


    Greater than $100 million per annum



    Endorse amendments to procurement strategies of approved organisations


    Up to $100 million per annum

    General Manager Corporate Support


    Greater than $100 million per annum



    Approve procurement decisions under sections 25 and 26 of LTMA

    All values

    Senior Manager Investment Assurance

    Statutory Delegation

    *Particular consideration should be given to the Significance Policy and non-monetary significance requiring escalation. 

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