Planning & Investment Knowledge Base



This page relates to the 2012-15 NLTP only.


For the latest information, please see the Assessment Framework for the 2015-18 NLTP.


The effectiveness assessment factor considers the contribution that the proposed solution makes to achieving the potential identified in the strategic fit assessment, and to the purpose and objectives of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.


Higher ratings are provided for those proposals that provide long-term, integrated and enduring solutions.


In addition, transport related activities which mitigate or reduce vulnerabilities of essential transport networks, known as Lifelines, will enable Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) to justify an improved effectiveness rating if local and regional network plans are supported by the NZTA.



Sufficient evidence must be provided to support the effectiveness rating. This includes as appropriate:

  • project feasibility report (PFR)
  • a study report
  • a strategy/business case report
  • an Activity Management Plan (AMP)
  • a Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP)
  • a scheme assessment report (SAR)
  • a recognised regional or local lifelines transport network study.


NZTA supported strategy, endorsed package, programme or plan

When seeking inclusion of a project in the NLTP, completed strategies may be considered 'supported/endorsed' pending application to the NZTA for its support.


At the time of funding approval of individual projects, the strategy must have been supported by the NZTA in order to meet the relevant medium and high criteria.


For transport planning activities, which develop and strengthen the strategic framework, the NZTA does not require a supported or endorsed lead document - however its relationship to the existing strategic framework should be identified.


Key definitions

Items in bold are common terms used in the identification of effectiveness. These terms are defined in the glossary.


Default rating for Work category 001

The default rating for Work category 001: Regional land transport planning management is high and no further assessment is required as set out below.


For all other activities, an assessment is required as set out below, i.e. there is no default rating for effectiveness.


No rating

When there is no supporting evidence, or the assessment has not been conducted, no rating will be given.


No rating will be given if the activity does not meet the minimum requirements of the low rating set out below.


Requirements for low rating

To achieve a low rating, all activities or combinations of activities must provide evidence to demonstrate that they deliver on each of the following:

  • the potential impact or outcome identified in the 'strategic fit' assessment
  • an agreed level of service
  • the purpose and objectives of the LTMA
  • has considered or will consider:
    • all relevant problems, issues and opportunities
    • all appropriate alternatives and options
    • opportunities for collaboration
    • any adverse effects or impacts
  • is an affordable solution with a funding plan
  • avoids duplication of activities
  • the scale of the proposed solution is appropriate to the potential impact or outcome in the strategic fit assessment
  • includes a monitoring and review framework in plans and strategies, and other activities where appropriate.


Requirements for medium rating

An activity or a combination of activities may be given a medium rating for effectiveness if evidence is provided to demonstrate that it meets each of the following:

  • all the low effectiveness criteria
  • is part of or will contribute to an NZTA supported strategy, endorsed package, programme or plan (for inclusion to the NLTP a completed strategy that will be presented to the NZTA for support in the near future may be considered sufficient)
  • is significantly effective (will deliver a measurable impact or outcome) in achieving the potential impact or outcome identified in the strategic fit’ assessment.
  • provides a long term solution with enduring benefits appropriate to the scale of the solution
  • provides a solution that responds to land use strategies and implementation plans, where appropriate to the activity
  • provides a solution that makes a contribution to multiple GPS impacts, where appropriate to the activity.


Requirements for high rating

A high rating for effectiveness must only be given if evidence is provided to demonstrate that the activity or combination of activities delivers on each of the following:

  • covers all of the low and medium effectiveness criteria
  • is a key component of an NZTA-supported strategy, endorsed package, programme or plan (for inclusion to the NLTP a completed strategy that will be presented to the NZTA for support in the near future may be considered sufficient) 
  • is part of a whole-of-network approach
  • improves integration within and between transport modes, where appropriate to the activity
  • provides a strategic approach that successfully integrates land transport, land use, other infrastructure and activities, where appropriate to the activity
  • supports networks from a national perspective, where appropriate to the activity
  • provides a strategic approach that makes a significant contribution to multiple GPS impacts, where appropriate to the activity
  • is optimised against multiple transport outcomes and objectives
  • adopts a collaborative approach to the development of studies, strategies and plans.


Assessment of incremental effectiveness

Assessment of incremental effectiveness is required for option selection, optimisation (other than between projects within packages) and scope change proposals.


Last Updated: 03/08/2020 8:59am