Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Transport Agency planning, funding and procurement delegations



This section provides a summary of the NZ Transport Agency's planning, funding and procurement delegations.


Delegations within the Transport Agency

The Transport Agency has three levels of delegation:

  • from the Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. to Board Committees or the Chief Executive;
  • from the Chief Executive to Group Managers; and
  • from Group Managers to staff.


This section summarises current planning, funding and procurement delegations. Transport Agency staff are advised to refer to the current Instruments of Delegation (Transport Agency link only), to ensure full understanding of the delegations.


Delegations outside of the Transport Agency

The Transport Agency Board The NZ Transport Agency Board. has agreed that Approved Organisations may receive delegated power to make funding approvals for small improvement projects of up to $5 million construction/implementation cost per activity, provided that:

  • the Transport Agency is confident that the Approved Organisation has the financial management, governance, risk management, and staff capability to exercise the delegations,
  • the Approved Organisation enters into a formal agreement with the Transport Agency,
  • there are sufficient small improvement  projects in the Approved Organisation's programme to warrant setting up the delegation.


In effect, the Instrument of Delegation is from the Group Manager Investment & Finance to the Approved Organisation, and is subject to  the terms and conditions as required to meeting Transport Agency expectations, principles and policy, as detailed in this Knowledge Base. 


Programme Interrelated and complementary combination of activities that, when delivered in a coordinated manner, produce synergies – can span more than one work category and more than one activity class, e.g. a programme could include a road improvement and public transport improvement activities. management delegations

Organisations have delegated authority to manage programmes of activities, which may include the authority to transfer approved allocated funds between work categories and activity classes within the programme subject to any terms and conditions formally advised by the Transport Agency. These programmes are:

  • road maintenance programmes (road controlling authorities)
  • public transport services programmes (regional authorities)
  • minor improvements programmes (road controlling authorities and regional authorities)
  • small improvement project programmes (as at July 2014, (this delegation is to the Transport Agency (state highways) and Auckland Transport only)
  • road safety promotion programmes (Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency) 


As of July 2017, the delegations will be updated to reflect the new Transport Agency structure and operating process.

Details will be provided once available. 



Last Updated: 02/08/2017 10:40am