Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Work category 213: Drainage renewals



This work category provides for the renewal of drainage facilities that is not routine in nature, but that will reduce future maintenance costs.


This definition applies to the 2012-15 NLTP.  For the 2015-18 NLTP please refer to the updated definition for work category 213.


Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • renewal of culverts having a cross-sectional area less than 3.4 square metres
  • repair and replacement of Kerb and Channel, provided that the deterioration is likely to adversely affect the performance of the pavement.


Other potential activities that are not in the above list should be discussed with the NZTA for eligibility.



This work category excludes replacement of culverts having a cross-sectional area of 3.4 square metres or greater.


These are funded under Work category 322: Replacement of bridges and structures.


Funding assistance rate

The usual funding assistance rate is:


Evaluation of activities

To qualify for inclusion in this work category, the work must be the long-term least-cost option for the Approved Organisation and the NZTA (state highways), calculated in terms of present value (PV).


Approved Organisation and the NZTA (state highways) must undertake economic efficiency evaluation of individual projects and make copies of the evaluations available as requested by the NZTA.


A simplified economic efficiency procedure is provided for drainage renewals in the Economic Evaluation Manual (Jan 2016) – see SP1. 


Last Updated: 01/09/2020 1:25pm