Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Work category 325: Seal extension



This work category provides for the sealing of existing unsealed roads.


This definition applies to the 2012-15 NLTP.  For the 2015-18 NLTP please refer to the updated definition for work category 325.


Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • extending the length of sealing from a sealed onto an unsealed road, and
  • road improvements defined in Work category 324: Road improvements that are associated with extending the length of sealing


Other potential activities not shown above should be discussed with the NZTA for eligibility.



Exclusions include:

  • widening the seal of an existing sealed road – this should be conducted under Work category 324: Road improvements, and
  • a new cattle stop where none previously existed – this is not eligible for funding assistance.


Funding assistance rate

The usual funding assistance rate for this work category is:


End of year carryover

Transport Investment Online (TIO) will automatically carryover the unspent allocation every year.  Therefore it is vital that Approved Organisations and the NZTA (State Highways) declare the unused allocation for completed projects by making a cost-scope adjustment via the Reviews module in TIO.

NB A future upgrade to TIO will allow the project to be marked as completed.



Last Updated: 01/09/2020 1:25pm