Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Request funding assistance from NZTA


Approved Organisations and the NZTA (State Highways) apply for funding assistance through the emergency works module in Transport Investment Online (TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. ).



Funding Assistance Rate

Emergency Works The work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements
which covers both initial response and the work required to reinstate a road facility damaged by a sudden and unexpected natural event.
funding assistance for Approved Organisations  is determined using the formula shown in the definition of emergency reinstatement

Approved Organisations will need to provide the following information order to calculate the FAR The usual contribution in percentage terms, that the NZTA augments funding of an approved organisation, for the delivery of an activity or combination of activities. :

  • Cost of works
  • Total general rates (exclusive of GST)
  • Their Base FAR The usual contribution in percentage terms, that the NZTA augments funding of an approved organisation, for the delivery of an activity or combination of activities.


Applications should include supporting information as set out in TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. and should be made within 6 weeks of the event date. No funds are authorised until the application is approved.


Funding Adjustments

Cost scope or cashflow adjustments should be requested through the TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. Reviews Module.


Where funding is being carried over into the next year it will be approved by NZTA, but will be subject to a new calculation of the Emergency Works The work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements
which covers both initial response and the work required to reinstate a road facility damaged by a sudden and unexpected natural event.
FAR The usual contribution in percentage terms, that the NZTA augments funding of an approved organisation, for the delivery of an activity or combination of activities. .




Last Updated: 13/03/2017 12:07pm