Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Negotiations with Approved Organisations and NZTA (State Highways) - overview



The Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport Funding sets out the impacts and priorities the government expects from the investment from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). The GPS provides guidance for the NZTA and Approved Organisations on the type of activities that can be included in Regional Land Transport Plans (RLTPs) and the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) as well as their relative priorities.


To ensure the best alignment of local, regional and national land transport activities with GPS impacts, and therefore the best investment outcomes, the NZTA (planning & investment) will enter into negotiations with Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) on their programmes.


Aims of negotiations

The aims of the negotiations are to:

  • establish a common understanding of the outcomes the NZTA seeks in giving effect to the GPS
  • establish a common understanding of local, regional and national issues, challenges and opportunities
  • engage in debate of proposed transport programme activities
  • discuss the improvement of alignment between local, regional and national priorities
  • inform input into the NZTA’s regional and national moderation
  • inform input into RLTPs and the NLTP, and
  • inform input into the final approvals for programme components recommended to the NZTA Board when it adopts the NLTP.


General guidance

Some general guidance for Approved Organisations, RTCs and the NZTA is incorporated into the following section.


Last Updated: 04/11/2013 3:21pm