Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Assist RTCs with review of completeness and eligibility of transport programme activities - overview



This section provides information on the NZTA’s (planning and investment) role in reviewing and quality assuring items in Approved Organisations’ and the NZTA’s (state highways) transport programmes.  This is part of the process for preparing and submitting programmes for input to the RLTP.



The information included in this section is:

Reviewing completeness and eligibility of proposed activities for input to an RLTP


Overview information

This step involves regional NZTA staff (planning and investment) assisting RTCs to review activities for eligibility and completeness, that are submitted by Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) in their transport programmes.  The NZTA then provides feedback to the RTC and programme submitters.




Last Updated: 04/11/2015 4:55pm