Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Develop draft State Highway Plan


Following completion of the national prioritisation process, and advice of the potential funding range from the NZTA (Planning & Investment), a draft State Highway Plan (SH Plan) is produced for each activity.


Programming within the SH Plan is developed based on a number of factors, including:

  • national priority ranking
  • type of activity (this relates specifically to infrastructure replacements at end of life)
  • readiness
  • funding sources (including R funds Funds from a 5 cent per litre increase in fuel excise duty and an equivalent increase in road user charges for light vehicles, to be distributed regionally on the basis of population (with Auckland receiving 35 percent of the total collected) for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are to be allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N (nationally distributed) funds. and supplementary funds Funding contributions that are additional to the contributions of the NZTA and standard approved organisation local share. They usually reflect third party benefits. ), and
  • other relevant factors

A regionalised version of the SH Plan is then issued for comment from the NZTA regional staff.  


Last Updated: 19/06/2012 12:48pm