Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

District Plans


District The district of a territorial authority. In relation to land in respect of which a Minister of the Crown is the Council, that land. Plans Plans describe the tactics to give effect to a strategy. They are specific in content, action oriented and outputs focussed, resulting in a tangible set of activities to be delivered within a clear timeframe. are statutory documents prepared by councils and reviewed every ten years. They set out how the council will carry out its functions under the RMA and give effect to regional policy statements.

The District The district of a territorial authority. In relation to land in respect of which a Minister of the Crown is the Council, that land. Plan's objectives, policies, rules and maps illustrate what developments or restrictions apply to a particular property or area. Plan changes may be initiated by the council or by individuals and may be in response to new information or research, or to respond to the changing needs and values of the community.


Last Updated: 12/11/2012 4:11pm