Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

NZTA moderates proposed programmes - overview



The NZTA will consider and moderate internally the programmes proposed by Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highway) for inclusion in a Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. ).


Objective of moderation

The objective of this moderation is to:

  • agree on early investment signals to enable early conversations with Regional Transport Committees and Approved Organisations, including signals on potential funding availability
  • identify any activities that do not achieve alignment with the investment direction signalled in the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding and in the NZTA’s Investment and Revenue Strategy, and
  • develop feedback to Approved Organisations and the NZTA (state highways) to suggest amendments to their proposed programmes for input to the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. .


Structure of moderation

The moderation will be internal to NZTA and largely undertaken by regional staff with support from national office staff, including Strategy & Performance, as required.


While shown as a discrete step in the process, it will be more or less continuous throughout the early conversation and review of programmes steps in the RLTP A regional land transport plan, prepared under Part 2 of the LTMA, as from time to time amended or varied. process, involving analysis and a series of meetings and workshops.



Specific guidance on the moderation process will be provided by national office staff to NZTA regional staff as necessary.


The expectation is that NZTA (planning & investment) regions will develop their own detailed work plans to undertake the moderation and report progress through to the Planning & Investment Regional Working Group.


Last Updated: 04/11/2013 11:11am