Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Work category 222: Traffic services renewals



This work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements
provides for the renewal of existing:

  • road furniture A general term to describe features placed on or near the road to improve safety and assist drivers. Furniture includes barriers, guard rails, lighting, parking meters, poles, posts, signs, lights, etc. , lighting, signs and markings, and
  • traffic management Activities/devices that facilitate management of the road network equipment and facilities.


Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • traffic signs, traffic signals and area-wide traffic control A linked system of traffic signals that allows regulation of traffic flow. systems
  • road delineation marker posts A post placed at the edge of the road, equipped with a reflector to assist night driving.
  • pavement The road structure that is constructed on the subgrade and supports the traffic loading. markings, including bus priority lane and cycleway markings on all non-separated road surfaces and markings for stock crossings
  • sight rails
  • carriageway That portion of the road devoted particularly to the use of travelling vehicles, including shoulders That portion of the carriageway outside the traffic lanes. . lighting, including poles and replacement of lanterns at the end of their economic life with more efficient types
  • belisha beacons and lighting at pedestrian crossings
  • Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)
  • variable message signs (VMS)
  • Local Area Traffic Management Schemes (LATMS), including speed control devices and threshold treatments
  • ramp metering equipment
  • surveillance devices and traffic monitoring equipment, such as closed-circuit television systems
  • emergency telephones on motorways, and
  • weighing facilities owned by a Road Controlling Authority (RCA The Minister, Department of State, Crown entity, state enterprise or territorial authority that controls the road. ) and/or operated as a weight surveillance facility.


Other potential activities that are not in the above list should be discussed with the Transport Agency for eligibility. 


Qualifying standard

To qualify for funding from this work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements
, all work must comply with Transport Agency's policy on traffic control devices and signs.



This work category A type of activity – not confined to a particular activity class, e.g. new roads (work category 323) appears in:

* activity class 12 – local road improvements
* activity class 13 – state highways improvements

  • The reinstatement of facilities that is caused by maintenance or construction/implementation work – this shall be charged to the maintenance or construction/implementation project.
  • Amenity lighting – this is not eligible for funding assistance.


Funding assistance rate

The usual funding assistance rate is:


Applying for funding approval

Applications for funding approval should be made through the Maintenance module in Transport Investment Online (TIO The NZTA's web-based funding allocation system. ).



For detail about:

  • signs and pavement The road structure that is constructed on the subgrade and supports the traffic loading. markings, see Traffic signs and pavement markings
  • traffic signals, see Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004
  • area-wide traffic control A linked system of traffic signals that allows regulation of traffic flow. systems, see Area-wide traffic control systems.

Last Updated: 13/04/2017 2:13pm