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A signalised crossing provides priority for cyclists through the use of traffic signals in a mid-block location. Short periods of time are allotted to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road and vehicles travelling along the road. The phasing plan may prioritise pedestrians and cyclists depending on the type of crossing and its location in the network.

Signalised crossings can take various forms including:

  • cyclist-only crossings
  • pedestrian and cyclist shared crossings – a single crossing that is shared by pedestrians and cyclists across the carriageway
  • pedestrian and cyclist segregated crossings – a crossing with delineated space for pedestrians and cyclists separately across the carriageway.

  • Legal considerations

    The Traffic Control Devices Rule Clause 11.4(5) states

    ‘When a cycle path crosses a roadway, a road controlling authority may, as appropriate, control either the movement of cycles along the cycle path or traffic along the roadway by means of stop or give-way signs or by the installation of traffic signals in the same manner as described in 10.5 for an intersection.’

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  • Design considerations

    The following aspects should be considered when designing a signalised crossing to accommodate cyclists:

    Shared or segregated

    A decision should be made whether to provide a shared crossing that accommodates both cyclists and pedestrians, or a segregated crossing with distinct areas for pedestrians and cyclists.  Segregated crossings are more appropriate where there are high volumes of pedestrians and/or cyclists.  They also allow for the shorter signal phase for cyclists to run separately from the pedestrian signal phase, thereby reducing the delays to drivers. If that is done, separate signal hardware for pedestrians and cyclists must be provided.  

    Design considerations for different types of crossings including signalised crossings is provided in Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 6 (Section 6.2)(external link).

    Cycle detection

    Detecting cyclists is likely to be needed at crossings, for example Induction loops  can be used to detect cyclists on the approach to the crossing which minimises waiting time for cyclists.  Details on cycle detection is provided within the signalised intersections content.

    Phasing considerations

    In general, midblock crossings should operate independently of any co-ordinated traffic control system.  However, a signalised crossing can be co-ordinated with other signals if vehicle operating speeds are more than 70 km/h, or if the crossing is located very close to an adjacent signalised intersection that is part of the co-ordinated system.

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  • Signs and markings

    Marking requirements should be based on the signalised pedestrian crossing standards described in MOTSAM Part 2 Section 4.02 . Note the crossing lines for cyclists should be at least 3m apart to accommodate cyclists in both directions.

    There are no specific signage requirements for signalised crossings that accommodate cyclists.

    Christchurch City Council has installed a specific style of tactile pavers at segregated crossings.  Green tactile warning pavers (with no approach pavers) is used across the threshold to the cycle crossing, and yellow warning and approach tactile pavers (as is currently used at pedestrian crossings) is used across the pedestrian crossing threshold. This has been developed to more clearly distinguish the separate crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, while ensuring that tactile warning pavers are provided across the entire width of the crossing to inform any visually impaired person who arrives there that it is a road crossing threshold.

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