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Acquisition date

The acquisition date depends on the status of the registered person:

  • UNCONFIRMED registered person: is the date of sale from the MR13A advice
  • INCOMPLETE registered person: is the date of processing of the MR13B advice
  • COMPLETE registered person: is the date of processing of the MR13B advice.

Alternative fuel type

This refers to the secondary fuel used by a vehicle which normally operates on another fuel type such as petrol.

Assembly type

Indicates whether a motor vehicle has been:

  • Imported built-up, or
  • NZ assembled.

Assembly type 'UNKNOWN' indicates that this information was not recorded at the time of registration.

Axle group rating

The maximum design weight (in kilograms) for a group of axles on a heavy vehicle. The group of axles is not to be used for loads that exceed this value (including that share of the gross vehicle mass (GVM) of the vehicle that is borne by the axle group).

The axle group rating for a vehicle consists of:

  • front axle group rating: the combined weight rating of the group of axles at the front of the vehicle
  • rear axle group rating: the combined weight rating of the group of axles at the rear of the vehicle.

Axle type

The axle configuration, or 'AXLE TYPE', of a vehicle, where known, is indicated by one of the codes below. This piece of information is crucial is determining the road user charges (RUC) classification of a motor vehicle subject to RUC fees:

  • 22-AXLE

Body style

Design style of the vehicle, such as hatchback, convertible, etc.

Cancellation reason

  • A – vehicle destroyed or become permanently useless
  • B – vehicle permanently removed from New Zealand
  • C – trade plate returned
  • D – vehicle written off by insurer
  • E – vehicle taken permanently off the road.

Cause of registration

A vehicle can be registered as follows:

  • NEW – new vehicle never registered before
  • USED – used vehicle previously registered in another country
  • RE-REGISTERED – vehicle previously registered in New Zealand
  • SCRATCH BUILT – a motor vehicle which is either:
    • assembled from previously unrelated components and construction materials which have not been predominantly sourced from a single make or model and which, in its completed form, never previously existed as a mass-produced vehicle, although the external appearance may resemble or replicate an existing vehicle; or
    • a modified production vehicle which contains less than the following componentry from a mass-produced vehicle of a single make and model:

i) 40% of the chassis rails and 50% of the crossmembers, or alternatively 40% of a spaceframe, or 40% of the floorpan of a unitary constructed body, which ever is appropriate: or
ii) for light vehicles, 40% of the bodywork (based on surface area of body panels but does not include the floorpan, internal bracing, sub panels, bulkheads or firewall).

CC rating

Total displacement in cubic centimetres of all cylinders of the engine of a motor vehicle.

Some older vehicles may show incorrect values depending on whether or not the original displacement measurements had been converted from cubic inches or other measurement units before introduction of the metric system.

Certificate of Particulars

Certificates of Particulars are certified documents which provide vehicle ownership information. Enforcement users can apply for a Certificate of Particulars by supplying a plate number on the appropriate application form and paying the relevant fee. The Certificate of Particulars comes in two kinds:

Current Registered Person Certificate:
This shows details of the current registered person (with the first joint registered person) along with vehicle details.

Registered Person History Certificate:
This shows details of the current registered person (with the first joint registered person) and all previous registered persons along with vehicle details.

Note: Law changes that came into effect on 1 May 2011 restrict the number of persons who can be registered in respect of a vehicle at any given time to one only. Any persons jointly registered up to 1 May will remain recorded on the Motor Vehicle Register.

The vehicle details shown on the Certificates of Particulars are:

  • plate number
  • year
  • make
  • model
  • first registration date
  • VIN/chassis number
  • engine number
  • licence expiry date
  • latest odometer reading
  • colour.

Change of registered person

This process occurs in two steps:

  • lodgement of the seller's notice of disposal (normally by the seller)
  • lodgement of the buyer's notice of acquisition (normally by the buyer).

The seller does not pay any fee when lodging the seller's notice of disposal (on form MR13A).

A fee is payable by the buyer on lodgement of the buyer's notice of acquisition (on form MR13B).

  • A registered person is UNCONFIRMED, when a form MR13A has been lodged by the seller , but the MR13B has yet to be lodged by the buyer.
  • A registered person is INCOMPLETE when the buyer has lodged the MR13B, but failed to produce a valid ID at the time of lodgement of the form.
  • A registered person is COMPLETE when a form MR13B has been lodged and a valid ID has been produced, either together with the MR13B, or with a form MR34 if is presented at a different time after lodgement of the MR13B.

Chassis no.

Prior to 1990, only chassis numbers were recorded. These cannot be used to uniquely identify a vehicle. With the introduction of the VIN system in 1990 a unique number is now being recorded.

Most vehicles registered before 1990 will have only the chassis number recorded unless the vehicle has had a VIN applied by a VIN agent.

Vehicles that were registered after 1990 may have both a VIN and a chassis number in cases where the manufacturer has not applied a VIN. However, most manufacturers now use VINs in place of chassis numbers. It is now compulsory for every vehicle that is registered in New Zealand for the first time to have a VIN. This includes used imported vehicles.

It is in the interests of vehicle registered persons to have a VIN on their vehicle as a protection against vehicle fraud since it gives a unique reference to a vehicle.

CoF inspection

Certificate of Fitness inspection: normally applicable to heavy vehicles such as trucks, articulated trailers etc. CoF Inspections are required for vehicle safety purposes.

A vehicle that requires a CoF cannot legally be used on the road unless it has a current CoF.


A maximum of two colours can be recorded for a vehicle: the primary (main) colour and the secondary colour.

Complete registered person

A registered person is COMPLETE when a form MR13B has been lodged and a valid ID has been produced. See Change of registered person.

Continuous vehicle licensing

As from 1 September 1997, the law requires the majority of vehicles to be licensed continuously. The continuous vehicle licensing (CVL) requirement means all vehicle registered persons pay the required amount and people who pay late pay the same as everyone else.

Most vehicles are subject to CVL. Some vehicles that are used only seasonally (such as caravans) are not subject to CVL. The continuous licence flag will show either YES or NO to indicate whether a vehicle type is subject to CVL or not.

CVL means that if a person fails to renew their licence by the expiry date, they will be required to pay for the licence back to the expiry date until the vehicle is given an exemption or ceases to be registered.

Country of origin

Country where the vehicle is built or manufactured (not merely assembled).

Crown plates

Crown plates are plates reserved for motor vehicles registered for use by government officials. Crown plates are issued from the range: CR1–CR9999. Crown plates can be returned and re-issued to different vehicles.


See Continuous vehicle licensing.

Damaged flag

The imported damaged flag will display as:

  • YES only in the case of 'obvious structural damage or deterioration' of a vehicle recorded at the bordercheck inspection. The information is held against the vehicle record once the vehicle is registered on the Motor Vehicle Register.
  • Where a vehicle has not been identified as imported damaged or a flag is subsequently removed due to further inspection, this field will not be displayed on Motochek.

Date and time of issue of latest licence

The date and the time when a licence application is processed by an authorised agent of the NZ Transport Agency.

Date first registered overseas

  • The date the vehicle was first registered overseas. If this information is unavailable and has not been recorded for a vehicle on the Motor Vehicle Register the message no info will be displayed on Motochek.
  • All available data will be displayed, this can be the day, month and year the vehicle was first registered overseas, only the month and year or just the year.

Date of first registration in NZ

The date the vehicle was registered in New Zealand for the first time.

Date of the latest CoF inspection

Date of the last recorded certificate of fitness (CoF) inspection for the vehicle.

All CoF inspections (both passed and failed) have been recorded in the vehicle register since February 1997.

Date of the latest WoF inspection

Date of the last recorded warrant of fitness (WoF) inspection for the vehicle.

Only the most recent WoF prior to the relicensing is normally recorded. Since licensing is often done on an annual basis and WoFs are often required bi-annually, this item of information does not necessarily show if the vehicle has a current WoF.

Date of odometer reading

Date when the odometer reading was recorded.

Odometer readings are taken on the date of the WoF inspection.

Date plate attached

Date when a plate is issued to a vehicle.

Date query processed

This indicates the date when the query is processed by the mainframe computer to extract the required information. In the case of overnight queries (batch processing), for example, the 'date query processed' will be later than the date the queries are submitted by the user if the query is processed after midnight.

Date reported stolen

This indicates the date a vehicle was reported stolen to the NZ Police. This information is obtained from the enforcement computer system, not from the Motor Vehicle Register (LANDATA).

This information may not always be present on query of a plate.

Diplomatic/consular plates

Diplomatic and consular plates are issued to vehicles owned by diplomatic missions and consular missions. Diplomatic plates are recognised by the letters DC whereas consular plates are recognised by CC. Diplomatic and consular can be returned and re-issued to different vehicles.

Engine no.

The serial number of the engine of a self-propelled vehicle. This information is normally supplied by the vehicle manufacturer.

Fleet vehicle

A fleet vehicle forms part of a number of vehicles registered to one person or organisation. Fleet vehicles are relicensed by way of relicense schedule with payment made by direct debit.

There is no mandatory requirement for fleet owners to register vehicles as 'fleet vehicles'. They do this because they wish to use the time saving bulk relicense facilities provided by the Transport Agency.

Fuel type

The type of fuel used in the engine of a motor vehicle. This refers to the primary fuel type if the vehicle also runs on an alternative fuel type such as LPG or CNG. Fuel types can be:

  • petrol
  • diesel
  • CNG
  • LPG
  • electric
  • other.

Gross vehicle mass (GVM)

The manufacturer's gross laden weight of a vehicle in kilograms.

Some older vehicles may show incorrect values as GVM, depending on whether or not the original weight measurements had been converted from non-metric values.

Hubodometer serial number

This displays the serial make and serial number of the hubodometer affixed to the RUC vehicles.

Incomplete registered person

A registered person is INCOMPLETE when the buyer has lodged the MR13B, but failed to produce a valid ID at the time of lodgement of the form.

See Change of registered person.

Inspection agent

Vehicle servicing or repair centre authorised by the Transport Agency to carry out inspection on a motor vehicle, primarily, but not solely, for the purpose of issuing a warrant of fitness or certificate of fitness.

Joint registered person

The joint registered person is the person who was jointly registered in respect of a vehicle with another person.

Note: Law changes that came into effect on 1 May 2011 restrict the number of persons who can be registered in respect of a vehicle at any given time to one only. Any persons jointly registered up to 1 May will remain recorded on the Motor Vehicle Register.

Latest odometer

The odometer reading for the last recorded CoF or WoF.

This reading may be in miles or kilometres depending on the age of the vehicle.

Lease vehicle

A vehicle with fleet/lease indicator set as LEASE indicates that the vehicle under query is leased from a vehicle lease/rental firm by the person or organisation recorded as the vehicle's registered person.

The law requires that the person or company using the vehicle be recorded as the 'registered person', not the vehicle lease/rental firm who legally 'owns' the vehicle.

The name of the vehicle lease/rental firm, if recorded, will be shown in the fleet/lease registered person name field. There is no legal requirement for a lease vehicle to be recorded as such as it is the registered person (the user) who will be held liable in the event of a traffic offence.

The lease registered person name will continue to be shown in the registered person history until 12 months after a change of registered person.

Licence expiry date

The date when a licence expires.

Licence type

There are three types of licences:

  • L – licence for normal road use
  • X – exemption licence when the vehicle has been exempted from normal road use licence: the expiry of an exemption licence is the date after which the vehicle must be relicensed for normal road use
  • T – licence for trade plate: this licence permits the licencee to use a vehicle without registering the vehicle. A trade plate is associated with a person/organisation, it cannot be associated with a vehicle and so any query on a trade plate will not return any vehicle details but provide owner details which are the details of the owner of the trade plate.


The process of issuing a licence which allows the vehicle to be used on the road. Vehicles are licensed after they are registered. The vehicle owner pays a licensing fee, and a licence label is attached to the vehicle.

List of other plates attached

List in chronological order of all plates issued to a vehicle.

Mailing address

The last recorded mailing address of a vehicle's registered person.


The brand name of the manufacturer of a vehicle.

Examples: ALFA ROMEO, FORD, TOYOTA, etc.

Maximum rated towed mass

The maximum gross weight of a towed vehicle that the registered vehicle is permitted to tow.


The description of a vehicle produced by the manufacturer.

Examples: COROLLA, ESCORT, MX5, etc.

Motor vehicle

Vehicle drawn or propelled by mechanical power. For the purposes of Motor Vehicle Registration, this definition includes trailers, but does not include contrivances such as a vehicle running on rails or a disabled person's motorised wheelchair.

No. of axles

Number of axles of a vehicle. Will be shown as '0' if this information was not recorded when the vehicle was first registered in New Zealand.

No. of seats

Seating capacity of a vehicle. This information is normally supplied by the vehicle manufacturer.

NZ Transport Agency

A New Zealand government organisation. Everything the NZ Transport Agency does must influence our transport partners and the users of the transport system towards sustainability and greater safety in land transport. It is the regulatory authority for ensuring the safe operation of motor vehicles in New Zealand. The Transport Agency appoints agents to perform certain functions on its behalf, such as motor vehicle registration and licensing, certifying motor vehicles and issuing vehicle identification numbers.


A vehicle odometer records distance travelled. Most vehicles have an odometer installed in their speedometer.

See also Latest odometer and Date of odometer reading.

Odometer unit

The odometer unit will display either as 'miles' or 'kilometres' based on the odometer unit in the vehicle. The text 'non-applicable' will be displayed if the odometer unit is not applicable.

Personalised plates

Personalised plates are plates with unique character combinations chosen by the registered persons of the plates and purchased from Personalised Plates Limited.

A personalised plate can be used on different vehicles. Appropriate change of plate transactions must be lodged to transfer a personalised plate from vehicle to vehicle.

Physical address

The last recorded physical address of a vehicle registered person.

Plate number

The unique combination of characters, alphabetical and/or numeric, assigned to a motor vehicle registered in accordance with transport legislation. The maximum number of characters of a plate number is six.

Plate style

Different vehicle types requires different plate styles:

  • GP: GENERAL PURPOSE plates are issued in sets of two for use on vehicles which require GP plates (cars, trucks, etc)
  • MC: MOTORCYCLE plates are issued in sets of one for use on vehicles which require MC plates (motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, etc)
  • TL: TRAILER plates are issued in sets of one for vehicles which require TL plates (trailers, towed caravans, etc).

Any plate type, except trade plates, can be in GP, MC or TL style.

Plate type

The following plate types are in use in New Zealand:

  • ST: standard
  • CR: crown
  • DC: diplomatic and consular
  • TD: trade
  • PP: personalised standard
  • IN: personalised investment
  • SI: personalised special issue.


Power output of the engine of a motor vehicle as rated by the manufacturer (in kilowatts).

Some vehicles may be showing brake horsepower (bhp) for this figure.

Previous country of registration

Country where a vehicle has been previously registered before arrival in New Zealand.

Registered person

The registered person of a motor vehicle is the natural person or legal entity (such as a limited liability company) lawfully entitled to possession of the motor vehicle. The registered person of a motor vehicle is not necessarily the legal owner of that vehicle, as in the case of a lease vehicle or a vehicle on hire-purchase.

Registered person status

The ownership status of a registered person in the Motor Vehicle Register can be:


Refer to Change of registered person and the sections explaining each of the above statuses.


The process of adding a vehicle to the motor vehicle register, the list of all vehicles currently used on the road in New Zealand. Vehicles, whether new or used, are registered when first brought into New Zealand, and have registration plates (number plates) attached at this time. Until a vehicle is registered, it cannot be driven on the road and must be towed or carried for transport.

Registration has been traditionally confused with licensing, when people refer to the renewal of licence in order to obtain a new licence label (the 'licence sticker') to place on their vehicles.

See Licensing.

Registration status

The registration status will show as:

  • ACTIVE – if the registration is current (but not necessarily licensed)
  • CANCELLED – if the registration has been cancelled due to the vehicle having been destroyed, written off, or permanently exported out of New Zealand
  • LAPSED – if the registration has been cancelled due to the vehicle having remained unlicensed beyond the period allowed by legislation.

Reliable odometer

This indicator will show 'Y' for yes if the odometer is reliable, or 'N' for no if the odometer is unreliable. The information is entered at the time the vehicle is last inspected.


Renewal of a vehicle licence. See Licensing.

Replacement plate

The new registration plate issued to a vehicle to replace a previous plate which has been damaged, lost, or stolen, or to change to or from transferable plates such as personalised plates, diplomatic plates, etc.

Reported stolen

This message will display to indicate that the vehicle has been reported stolen to the NZ Police. This information is obtained from police systems, not from the Motor Vehicle Register.

Result of latest CoF inspection

The result will be shown as:

  • PASSED – vehicle has passed examination
  • FAILED – vehicle has failed examination
  • TEMPORARY PERMIT – vehicle has been issued with a temporary permit.

Result of latest WoF inspection

The result will be shown as:

  • PASSED – vehicle has passed examination
  • FAILED – vehicle has failed examination.

RUC licence finish kms/finish date

End distance reading of the latest RUC distance licence.

RUC licence issue date

Date of issue of the RUC licence.

RUC licence start kms/start date

Start distance reading of the latest distance licence. 

RUC licence type

All diesel powered vehicles and other vehicles powered by a fuel not taxed at source, regardless of weight, must pay road user charges (RUC). Vehicles with a manufacturer's gross laden weight of more than 3.5 tonnes (3500kg) must also pay RUC.

Vehicles whose power is wholly or partly derived from an external source of electricity and whose gross laden weight is 3.5 tonnes or less are exempt from RUC until 30 June 2020.

The types of RUC licence are:

  • Distance – all RUC vehicles travelling on public roads purchase distance licences; distance licences are purchased in multiple of 1,000 kilometres. RUC fees vary according to the design specifications of the vehicle such as weight, number of axles, number of tyres per axle, etc.
  • Additional – additional licences may only be used in conjunction with distance licences, when the vehicle has a permit issued under the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2002 (see High productivity motor vehicles).

RUC weight

The RUC weight of the vehicle is the lesser of the:

  • gross vehicle mass for the RUC vehicle, or
  • maximum allowable mass for the RUC vehicle under section 4.5(1) of Part 1 of the Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Rule 2002.

RUC vehicle type

RUC fees are determined by the design of a vehicle. Specific attributes such as number of axles and axle type are combined to provide set criteria known as RUC vehicle type descriptions. RUC vehicle type information consists of a numeric code for each type.


If the registered person is an individual (legally defined as a 'natural person'), the sex will be shown as 'M' for male, or 'F' for female. Where the registered person is not a natural person, this field will show 'C' for limited liability company, or 'O' for other organisation.

This information is not mandatory and is only recorded if the registered person has provided it.

Standard plates

Standard plates are sequentially numbered plates issued by government for use on motor vehicles registered in New Zealand. Standard plates can only be used on the vehicles to which they are originally assigned.

Subject to CoF

Indicates that the vehicle is subject to certificate of fitness (CoF) inspection.

Subject to RUC

Indicates that the vehicle is subject to road user charges (RUC).

Subject to WoF

Indicates that the vehicle is subject to warrant of fitness (WoF) inspection.


In addition to the model description, some manufacturers also provide submodel details to distinguish between vehicles with the same model name, but with different specifications.

Tare weight

The unladen weight of a vehicle (usually indicated in kilograms).

Trade plates

Trade plates come in two styles:

  • T1 – for use on motorcycles, trailers, towed caravans
  • T2 – for use on cars, trucks, tractors.

Trade plates are issued to motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers and assemblers for use on unregistered vehicles.

For more information see trade plates.

Trade plates are registered to the user, not the vehicle. For this reason, it is not possible to obtain vehicle details by querying a trade plate because no vehicle details are recorded against a trade plate.

Trading as/representing

Name of the business, or trade name, of a vehicle registered person, when the vehicle's registered person has requested that this information be shown on motor vehicle registration forms and other documents generated from the Motor Vehicle Register. Trading names are generally not regarded as 'legal' names, and therefore cannot be used in the event of a traffic inquiry.

Unconfirmed registered person

A registered person is UNCONFIRMED when a form MR13A has been lodged by the seller, but the MR13B has yet to be lodged by the buyer.

See Change of registered person.

Unreliable odometer

See Reliable odometer.


The registered purpose for which the vehicle is used. Different regulations and licence requirements apply to different types of usage.

Vehicle identification number (VIN)

A unique 17-character series assigned to the vehicle for the purpose of identification. Most vehicles registered in New Zealand for the first time are required to have a VIN. Trailers and caravans are exempted.

Vehicle type

Vehicles are registered according to types: passenger car, motorcycle, trailer, goods van/truck/utility, etc.


See Vehicle identification number.


The longitudinal distance between the first and last axle of a motor vehicle. The wheelbase is normally indicated in millimetres.

WoF inspection

Warrant of fitness (WoF) inspections normally apply to passenger cars and light vehicles. WoF inspections are required for vehicle safety purposes. A vehicle that requires a WoF cannot legally be used on the road unless it has a current WoF certificate.