No-passing advance-warning lines

No-passing advance-warning lines are not normally used on multi-lane divided and undivided roads if they are being marked for reason other than restricted visibility.

Multi-lane undivided urban and rural roads

In general, where multi-lane undivided high-volume roads occur, two parallel no-passing lines should be marked to define the centre-lines to help reduce overtaking and head on risk. In summary, for urban and rural areas:

  • 3 lanes – no-passing lines may be used where the AADT <6,000vpd.
  • 3 lanes – no-passing lines should be used where the AADT >6,000vpd.
  • 4 lanes – no-passing lines should be used.

No-passing lines in these situations should be marked as indicated in Table 2‑42. Other centre treatments for multi-lane roads can be used depending on risk and road function.

Refer to treatments in the centre of the road for further guidance

Table 2‑42: No-passing marking details


Rural and urban; refer note 1 and 2

Colour Reflectorised yellow
Stripe Continuous except at intersections

Table 2‑42 notes:

  1. An alternative marking for the centre-lines of multi-lane undivided urban roads is detailed in:
    Centre-lines on multi-lane roads
  2. For the treatment of no-passing lines for passing lanes on rural roads, refer to:
    No-passing lines in the centre of the road

Edge treatments

For guidance on edge treatments for multi-lane roads, refer to:
Edge treatments