Clause 7.9(11) and 7.9(2) of the TCD rule states a RCA:

[…] may provide a traffic control device [and use signs, markings or delineators in conjunction with the device], including a kerb, road hump, chicane, or slow point, on or adjacent to a road, as appropriate, to:

(a) channel traffic movement; or

(b) restrict the speed of traffic; or

(c) discourage the use of the road by through vehicles in general or by vehicles of an inappropriate design or size, and for which alternative routes are available; or

(d) provide a continuation of a pedestrian or cycle route and alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians or cyclists.

Clause 7.9(3) states that

[…] a road hump, chicane, slow point or other channelling device, on or adjacent to a road, that is intended to reduce the travelling speed of vehicles must be illuminated or have reflective delineators or reflective signs installed so that the structure is visible;

and clause 7.9(4)) states that

Permanent growth, or a traffic control device or other object placed on a structure [as highlighted above] must not impair visibility.