Serious consideration will generally be given only to the exceptional proposals. These should demonstrate unique concepts or benefits that cannot otherwise be obtained in the marketplace or that are only able to be provided by a single supply source.

The following table sets out the broad terms under which unsolicited proposals will and will not be considered further. These terms form the Stage 0 assessment criteria. 

Unsolicited proposals will be considered when they:

Unsolicited proposals will not be considered when they:

  • Are unique (required) 
  • Provide value or significant benefit to the New Zealand tax payer, ie:
    • they address significant government needs
    • they offer more effective technical or service delivery improvement opportunities
    • the contribute significantly to the general economic development and well-being of New Zealanders
    • provide additional benefit which would justify not seeking best value through a competitive tender process
  • Are not advance proposals for a requirement that has already been identified, and perhaps socialised in the marketplace 
  • Are not readily obtainable in the marketplace
  • Have been developed independently, without Transport Agency assistance 
  • Include sufficient detail so that the Transport Agency can assess whether it is worthwhile
  • Are promotional or advertising materials, such as special pricing, modifying or extending an existing contract 
  • The goods or services are readily available in the marketplace
  • Are an advance proposal for a known requirement, for which a competitive process is planned