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Business case for investment in state highway maintenance and operations 2018-21

Please refer to the State highway investment proposal (SHIP) that covers planning, maintenance, operations and improvements activities to be delivered over the next ten years, for a complete picture of how we plan, operate, maintain and improve the state highway network to deliver its vital role in enabling journeys safely and efficiently whilst achieving value for money.

This maintenance programme aims to sustain current levels of service and incrementally improve these where there is gap against the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) targets without undue service or investment risk, while improving long term efficiency. Note that service level improvements are provided by the capital improvements programme under the relevant activity class.

The focus is on:

  • Maintaining and incrementally improving customer service levels against the ONRC targets despite ongoing growth in demand, and in the performance, size and complexity of the network
  • Responding to events and incidents to minimise their adverse impact and duration on service levels
  • Improving efficiency of long term service delivery 
  • Continual improvement
  • Managing service and investment risk sustainably

In summary the focus of the maintenance programme is on fully achieving an optimised sustainable customer experience in our transport system through best value for money invested.

We have adapted four categories from the ONRC to help us describe the service levels, gaps and activities that will address these. These categories are:

  • access and resilience – customers and citizens can reach their destination reliably, today, tomorrow and the day after
  • travel time reliability – customers and citizens are able to make timely and informed decisions about their journeys on our network
  • safety – customers and citizens can travel safely on the land transport network
  • amenity – customers and citizens have comfortable and pleasant journeys on our network.

The SHIP shows nationwide maps of our assessment of service levels across the state highway network. The corridor management plans show more detailed maps showing where service levels are satisfactory and where gaps exist.

The maintenance programme will deliver the following benefits:

  • economic growth and productivity by supporting: 
    • high growth urban areas through maintaining better access to markets, employment, business areas and housing development 
    • regional New Zealand through maintaining better access to markets for freight and business, and better access for tourist destinations 
  • improving network resilience at the most critical points which supports economic growth and productivity across New Zealand 
  • improving and maintaining road safety and reducing death and serious injuries 
  • delivering improved value for money by targeting the right investments at the right time, harnessing technology and continuing to drive for efficiencies in road maintenance.

Business case for investment in state highway maintenance and operations 2018-21 [PDF, 20 MB]


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