Release Version 1.4 of the Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS) is now available and once published, in the appropriate software applications, will become available for use by the land transport sector.
Release Version 1.3 will continue to be available and includes additional information and supporting documentation in relation to the approach to the Drainage Standard and the AMDS System Standard.
Proposals for new standards have been released provisionally and after having been circulated for feedback, are ready to be incorporated into the next release version.
As such, the following Standards have been included in this release:
As a result of your feedback, the Provisional Inventory Asset – Pathway – Shoulder, will not form part of the AMDS Asset Standard.
Sea Wall has been removed from AMDS Structure Standard and has been replaced with Shore Protection and included in the new Waterfront Asset Standard.
As part of this release, we have included Uniclass guidance, which provides a framework to enable the recording of Uniclass classifications against the AMDS standard consistently across the NZ transport sector.
Release version 1.4 includes the following:
View larger version of the asset groupings map [PDF, 130 KB]
Zip file containing all the listed files above [ZIP, 4.6 MB] |
Zip file containing all the listed files above [ZIP, 551 KB] |
Zip file containing all the listed files above [ZIP, 960 KB] |
Zip file containing all the listed files above [ZIP, 1.4 MB] |
A new provisional release, the High-Speed Condition Data standard, and the associated reference document is now available for your review.
Email your feedback to
Provisional release |
Feedback due date |
Closed |