If your vehicle is carrying very large loads you must have special signs mounted on it. You may also need to be accompanied by pilot vehicles to warn other road users to take care.

Oversize sign

The sign below will be displayed on the oversize vehicle itself.

Heavy haulage fluro yellow green sign that says oversize

Oversize vehicle

Pilot vehicles

When a vehicle is carrying a large load, it may be accompanied by a pilot vehicle, with flashing yellow roof lights and a roof-mounted sign, to warn other road users.

If the pilot vehicle is in front of the load, the sign will either say ‘Long load follows’ or ‘Wide load follows’.

If the pilot vehicle is behind the load, the sign will either say ‘Long load ahead’ or ‘Wide load ahead’.

Heavy haulage fluro yellow green sign mounted on top of the pilot vehicle that says wide load follows

Wide load follows

Extremely large loads

If a vehicle’s load is extremely large, two pilot vehicles will travel ahead of it.

The first pilot vehicle will have flashing yellow and purple roof lights and a roof-top sign that says ‘Danger slow down’.

The second pilot vehicle will have flashing yellow roof lights and a roof-top sign that says ‘Wide load follows’.

Heavy haulage fluro yellow green sign mounted on top of the pilot vehicle with flashing lights that says danger slow down

Danger slow down


If you see an Oversize sign or a pilot vehicle with flashing lights, slow down and be prepared to pull over and stop.