When coming up to a one-lane bridge, take note of the signs:

  • a red circle shows you must give way
  • a blue rectangle shows that other vehicles should give way to you.

Two signs combined on one post, the top one is a permanent warning traffic sign on a yellow background showing a narrow bridge icon and the other is a regulatory sign with a red border showing one small red arrow going up and the other larger black arrow going down. This combo signage means give way to oncoming traffic on one-way or narrow bridge.

First warning sign

Two signs combined on one post, the top one is a permanent warning traffic sign on a yellow background showing a narrow bridge icon and the other is a directional sign with a blue background showing one white arrow going up and the other smaller red arrow going down. This combo signage means oncoming traffic on a one-way or narrow bridge must give way to you.

Others should give way to you