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Planning policy manual – for integrated planning & development of state highways

Published: | Category: Environment & resource planning , Manuals | Audiences: Land owners, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The Planning policy manual (PPM) sets out Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's policy and approach to integrated planning. 

July 2023 update

The Planning policy manual (PPM) is being updated and is being replaced by standalone topic specific guidance issued progressively. Check topics below for new guidance or sign up for updates.

See also:
Developing land near the state highway network

Planning & Investment Knowledge Base

Consent compliance management

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: August 2007
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-1-99-004427-4 (online)
  • Contact:
  • Also known as: SP/M/001

Download guidance

Quick links:


Guidance on third party land use activities effecting the state highway network




Land use planning [PDF, 47 KB]

Managing the effects of land use change on the transport network.


Development proposals [PDF, 349 KB]

Third party development and access overview.


Assessment of development proposals [PDF, 78 KB]
(Appendix 5A)

Criteria for assessing third party land development proposals.


Accessway standards and guidelines [PDF, 608 KB]
(Appendix 5B) 

Safety standards for accessways onto state highways.

Currently under review Sign up to receive notifications about updates


Integrated transport assessments [PDF, 62 KB]
(Appendix 5C)

Integrated transport assessment (ITA) guidance.

Currently under review Sign up to receive notifications about updates


Managing effects on noise sensitive land use

Information on managing adverse effects for people in buildings located near to state highways.


Cost sharing

This guide sets out Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's operational approach to apportioning costs for state highway upgrade works required to mitigate the effects of third-party development and the use of cost sharing agreements for land developments.


Third party advertising signs

Guidance on third party advertising signs within or visible from the state highway corridor.


Vegetation [PDF, 37 KB]

Policy and guidance on managing vegetation on land in the vicinity of a state highway.


Utilities in the state highway

This guide outlines the requirements and process associated with public utilities and private services within the state highway corridor.


Roadside vendors

This guide outlines the requirements and application process for roadside vendors within the state highway corridor.


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Integrated planning policy and guidance




Integrated planning [PDF, 2.9 MB]
(Appendix 2)

Transport and land use integrated planning overview.


Planning and design of the transport network [PDF, 449 KB]

Delivering the Integrated Planning Policy through planning and design of the transport network.


Transport planning legislation

Overview of legislation relevant to land transport planning.

Supersedes the PPM section 2.3.


Development and review of regional land transport plans

Resources associated with the development of regional land transport plans.

Supersedes the PPM Development of the State Highway Forecast  Appendix 3C.


One Network Framework

The One Network Framework is a tool to help establish transport network function, performance measures, operating gaps and potential interventions for each road and street type.​

Supersedes the PPM Appendix 3A - Road hierarchy


Land and route protection [PDF, 74 KB]

Mechanisms for securing land for transport infrastructure long term.


Key studies and plans
[PDF, 49 KB]
(Appendix 3D)

Key documents for identifying integrated land use and transport solutions.


Walking and cycling policy matrix [PDF, 43 KB]
(Appendix 3B)

Walking and cycling treatment matrix.


Walking and cycling guidance

General resources for walking and cycling.


Land use planning approaches and checklist
[PDF, 54 KB]
(Appendix 4A)


Advocating for patterns of development that reduce adverse impacts on the transport network.


Plan policies and rules [PDF, 87 KB]
(Appendix 4B)

Suggested provisions for regional and district planning documents.


Summary of Planning policy manual policies [PDF, 103 KB]
(Appendix 6)

Summary of all planning policies.


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Environmental and planning related guidance associated with developing/designing the transport network



Last updated

Emissions Trading Scheme forestry requirements for transport infrastructure delivery and maintenance [PDF, 640 KB]

Guidance for state highway construction and maintenance teams when clearing forestry subject to the Emissions Trading Scheme.

April 2024

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) guidance

Guidance on undertaking multi-criteria assessments for transport projects.


Designation procedures and model provisions [PDF, 32 KB]
(Appendix 3F)

Information on  state highway network designations.

Aug 2007

Bridging the gap

Urban design guidelines for transport projects.



Standards and guidelines for assessing and managing historic heritage effects for state highway projects.


Fish passage

Guidance on design and retrofit of NZ Transport Agency culverts to provide for fish passage.


Glossary [PDF, 151 KB]
(Appendix 1)

Terms used in the guidance.


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