Scenic view of a highway running alongside a river with a bridge in the background.
Scenic view of a highway running alongside a river with a bridge in the background.

Project introduction

We’re proposing a new speed limit on the Kāpiti Expressway, from north of the Poplar Avenue interchange to south of the Ōtaki northern interchange.

  • Project type

    Speed review

Proposing new speed limit of 110km/h

We’re proposing a new speed limit on the Kāpiti Expressway, from north of the Poplar Avenue at Raumati interchange to south of the Ōtaki northern interchange.

We’re committed to delivering new and safe roads that help people get where they need to go efficiently and safely. This section of the Kāpiti Expressway currently has a speed limit of 100km/h. We’re keen to hear what you think about our proposal to increase the speed limit to 110km/h.

The Kāpiti Expressway is an important road that’s helped reduce congestion and improve travel time reliability for people and freight in the area.



Current speed limit

Proposed new speed limit

SH1 Kāpiti Expressway

North of the Poplar Avenue interchange to south of the Ōtaki northern interchange



  • Kāpiti Expressway - designed and constructed to a high safety standard

    The section of Kāpiti Expressway we’re consulting on was designed and constructed to a high safety standard which means we can consider increasing the speed limit. This road offers safety features that significantly reduce the chance of death or serious injury in a crash such as median barriers, two lanes in each direction, and a mostly straight road. Since the opening of the Mackays Crossing to Peka Peka section in 2017, and the Peka Peka to Ōtaki section in 2022, no one has died in a crash on these roads (correct as of 1 April 2024).

    The median barriers reduce the risk of someone crossing into oncoming traffic, while side barriers prevent vehicles running off the road into something harder – like a pole, tree or ditch. Most side barriers are set back from the edge of the road, allowing space for a person driving to stop in case of an emergency. Exit and entry to this section of the state highway is limited to the interchanges.

    The on and off ramps at the Paraparaumu, Waikanae, Peka Peka, and Ōtaki Gorge Road interchanges are included in this 110km/h speed limit review. However, the connecting local roads and lower sections of those ramps are excluded.

  • What’s excluded from consultation

    While we’re consulting with you on speed limits for this section of the Kāpiti Expressway, there are other sections of this corridor that we’re not consulting on at this stage.

    Te Aranui o Te Rangihaeata – Transmission Gully is also built to the same high safety and operational standards, and early indications are that the crash numbers reflect the same improvement in safety. While Transmission Gully is operational, there are still some remaining works that we need to complete before we begin a speed limit review. 

    The 3.2 km Raumati Straights section of the Kāpiti Expressway doesn’t yet meet the side barrier and shoulder width, and pavement requirements to be included in this review.

    Similarly, the 1.6 km northern end of Kāpiti Expressway between the Ōtaki northern interchange and Taylors Road isn’t included in this speed limit review. To be considered for a 110km/h speed limit it would require improved roadside protection, widening the road to a dual lane carriageway, and widening of the left-hand shoulder to meet the standard.


Community engagement on proposed new speed limit

In May 2024 we sought feedback on the speed limit on Kāpiti Expressway. Consultation closed on Monday 20 May 2024. We’ll consider all feedback received and review it alongside the safety assessment before making a final decision. Pending approval from the Director of Land Transport, we’ll then inform the community and stakeholders of the outcome and publish details on our website before implementing any new speed limits on this section of state highway.