Andy GoldieKia ora

The year has kicked into action with force for the PP2Ō Expressway project. Last month the team met several big milestones including installation of the first graphic bridge art panels and the opening of Bridges 2 and 3 to northbound State Highway 1 traffic.

Things are changing quickly and often around the district and this month we focus on traffic management and how to move safely and efficiently around our works.

Ōtaki College digital media students are back in action and this month bring us a video update profiling the people, planning and safety measures in play around the rail re-alignment work scheduled for Easter 2019.

We also share details of a Timor-Leste United Nations delegation who visited the project to learn about how we build roads in New Zealand and provide our regular construction update.

If you need any further information on the PP2Ō Expressway project please call us on 0800 PP2O INFO or email

Ngā mihi
Andy Goldie, Project Manager

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Traffic management update

Road layout changes for State Highway 1, north Ōtaki

In early-March southbound traffic will be switched over to the new State Highway 1 alignment across PP2Ō Bridges 2 and 3. This will allow us to complete the footpath and final tie-ins by mid-April. A temporary speed limit of 30km/h will stay in place through this area.

Old Hautere Road and State Highway 1 intersection closed

The Old Hautere Road intersection with State Highway 1 is permanently closed and we’re temporarily diverting traffic via Ōtaki Gorge Road. Follow detour signage along Ōtaki Gorge Road which connects with Old Hautere Road.

This allows us to complete tie-ins and pavements for the new Old Hautere Road link road which will provide a more direct connection with the Ōtaki Gorge Road/SH1 intersection.

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Timor-Leste delegation visit PP2Ō Expressway

Timor-Leste delegation

From left to right: Mike Sarten – PP2Ō Health & Safety Manager, Craig Service – PP2Ō Structures Manager, Mr. Abdul Sagran, Programme Manager and Head of Accounting Department, Mr. Adelino Coa Civil Engineer for roads and loan projects, Glen Boyer – PP2Ō Super Intendant, Ms. Maria Viana Head of CAFI, Mr Krispin Fernandes Director of Major Project Secretariat (MPS) and Glen Prince PP2Ō Project Manager NZ Transport Agency.

Four delegates from the Timor-Leste Infrastructure Fund recently visited the team at PP2Ō. The Timor-Leste Infrastructure Fund was established in 2011 to support a range of projects covering water and power supply, roads and bridges, ports, airports and other infrastructure sectors.

The delegates were visiting New Zealand to gain an overview of international best practices in related institutions including Treasury, National Infrastructure Unit and the NZ Transport Agency.

Their visit to PP2Ō provided practical on-the-ground insights into a major infrastructure project that’s in peak construction. They also had an opportunity to talk to a range of people who are responsible for different disciplines within the project including procurement, engineering, health and safety, kaitiaki and environment and community consultation.

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Train spotting

Ōtaki College digital media students are back in action and this month bring us a video update profiling the people, planning and safety measures in play around the rail re-alignment work scheduled for Easter 2019.

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Construction update

North Zone (north of the Ōtaki River to Taylors Road)

PP2Ō north zone

Progress on Bridges 2 and 3 north Ōtaki.

Works on the new Waitohu River Bridge (Bridge 1) have picked up again. We’ll have a temporary 70km/h speed restriction in place on State Highway 1 between Taylors Road and the outskirts of Ōtaki when we are operating in this area.

Construction continues on Bridges 2 and 3 (north-west of the Mill Road roundabout). We’ve switched the northbound traffic onto the new alignment. Southbound traffic will be switched over in early-March and allow us to complete the footpath and final tie-ins by mid-April. Once traffic and pedestrians are all using the new bridges the existing rail bridge will become redundant and eventually be dismantled. The temporary speed limit of 30km/h will stay in place through this area. Things are changing so it’s really important to slow down, pay extra attention, stick to the speed limit and stop for red lights at the pedestrian crossing.

Work around Pare-o-Matangi Reserve and the Railway Station continues at pace as we get ready to switch the rail track to its new alignment at Easter 2019. Switching the track triggers local road diversions and the temporary closure of Rāhui Road from mid-April. This allows us to complete construction of the Rāhui Road overbridge (Bridge 4). Details of these diversions will be covered in-depth in next month’s update.

The Chrystalls Bend public river walkway on the north bank of the Ōtaki River continues diverting people around our work site. The diversion is well signposted and fenced for your safety and remains in place until around June 2019. Works on the Ōtaki River Bridge may at times increase river flows in the deep channel. Swimmers in this area should pay attention to the warning signs in place and take extra care.

Things are really busy out there, so please slow down around all works and allow a little extra time for your journey. For everyone’s safety please observe all site signage and stay out of work sites. We thank you for your continued patience.

View our gallery for more aerial images of the latest construction works undertaken in the north zone.

South Zone (south of the Ōtaki River to Peka Peka)

PP2Ō south zone

Progress on the Ōtaki River Bridge.

Beam installation and deck construction continues on the south side of the new Ōtaki River Bridge (Bridge 5) and access to the south bank remains restricted around our works.

Work on Bridges 6 and 7, which will carry Ōtaki Gorge Road over the expressway and the rail track, are progressing well. In early March a lane closure will be in place on Ōtaki Gorge Road with stop/go traffic management while we place bridge beams, this work will take a couple of days.

The Old Hautere Road intersection with State Highway 1 is now permanently closed and we’re temporarily diverting residents via Ōtaki Gorge Road. This allows us to complete tie-ins and pavements for the Old Hautere Road link which will provide a more direct connection with the Ōtaki Gorge Road/SH1 intersection.

We’ve started work on Bridge 8, the local road over-bridge that will carry traffic and pedestrians across the rail-track, expressway and local road (currently SH1) to connect east and west Te Horo. Construction of a reinforced earth abutment on the eastern side of SH1 is underway. Mangaone Stream diversion works will start on the Te Horo Beach Road site to make room for construction of a second reinforced earth abutment on the western side of SH1.  

A haul road alongside Gear Road has been created. This haul road allows large truck and trailers and off-road dumpers to cart material south of Gear Road with minimal impact on the local roads. There’s a truck crossing point on School Road which will operate under stop/go along with a speed restriction. This will be in operation for several months.

South of Mary Crest the construction of the local arterial road is progressing well. We’ll soon begin relocating the Awatea preload material (south of Te Hāpua Road) closer to SH1. This triggers changes to SH1 in this area – we’ll be moving northbound traffic into the central median strip and introducing a 70km/h speed restriction which will remain in place for the duration of our works.

View our gallery for more aerial images of the latest construction works undertaken in the south zone.

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