Andy GoldieKia ora

This month the project reaches its halfway mark. There is no doubt the building of the expressway is a mammoth task and we appreciate everyone’s patience. We know our work can be disruptive but truly believe the new road will bring enormous benefits to the community in terms of its economy and in safety improvements.

To demonstrate the size of the project since work got underway in 2017, we have:

  • moved 400,000 cubic meters of dirt
  • relocated 6,500 fish
  • inducted 1,600 workers to the site
  • hosted or attended 150 community events
  • worked more than 600,000 hours.

By the time the project is completed, we expect some of those numbers will be more than doubled.

We’ve achived some major milestones over the last month, including completing the installation of all of the piles and columns for the new 330-metre-long bridge that crosses over the Ōtaki River. Our aim is to complete this structure by mid next year.

North and southbound SH1 traffic has been moved on to a new section of road which incorporates two new bridges crossing the railway and the expressway just north of Ōtaki. A new 1.6 kilometre section of the main trunk railway line, which is located just north of Ōtaki, has been realigned and is now in operation.

If you need any further information on the PP2Ō Expressway project please call us on 0800 PP2O INFO or email

Ngā mihi
Andy Goldie, Project Manager

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Satisfaction survey

This month we’re running our six-monthly customer satisfaction survey. The information gathered through these surveys help us make sure we’re getting you the right information, in the right way, at the right time. We’d love to hear your feedback, so if you’d like to be involved please click the link below.

Start the survey(external link)

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Ōtaki River Bridge

Ōtaki College students went down to the river to see how things are going on at the Ōtaki River Bridge. Check out what’s been happening below.

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Riparian plantings

The PP2Ō team is well through its work to plant 2,601m of riparian planting with a variety of native wetland/riparian species. The aim is to reinstate a native ecosystem along the riparian margins predominantly on Jewell Stream.

The species spread is planted to reflect a natural environment, with the planting adjacent to, rather than in the stream, so flows will not be affected. Species more resilient to inundation are being used in areas prone to the flooding and the planting sites were confirmed with GWRC to ensure they do not impact GWRC’s ongoing stream maintenance.

Riparian plantings
Riparian plantings

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Ōtaki Gorge Road alignment – stages one to four

Work on the Ōtaki Gorge Road alignment is progressing. The new alignment needs to be introduced in stages before the final layout. See below for the four stages and what to expect:

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Construction update

North Zone (north of the Ōtaki River to Taylors Road)

Main Road North Road rail bridge

Built in 1937, the Main Road North rail bridge awaits demolition from 10 June.

With the realignment of a section of the North Island Main Trunk Line over Easter, earthworks between the Waitohu Stream and the Ōtaki River are now able to get underway.

Commencing on Monday 10 June, the next step is to dismantle and remove the old Main Road North rail bridge.

The installation of architectural panels to Bridges 2 and 3 abutments and further works to the County Road/Main Road North intersection have also been undertaken.

The eastern abutment of Bridge 4 will be substantially progressed within the next few weeks. This will be done in conjunction with both the eastern and western approaches for Bridge 4.

The realignment of the northern end of the existing platform at the Ōtaki Station is also nearing completion.

View our gallery for more aerial images of the latest construction works undertaken in the north zone.

South Zone (south of the Ōtaki River to Peka Peka)

Ōtaki River Bridge

Four deck spans complete on the new 330-metre Ōtaki River Bridge.

Work on the Old Hautere tie-in is underway. We are installing and relocating services and cutting the swales. Once that’s done we’ll dig and replace the road, before completing the surface, kerbs and channels. Some large machinery is needed to get this done, so please take extra care when in the area. Once this work is complete, there will be some days where visible activity will be minimal while the surface dries and testing is carried out.  

Four deck spans are now complete on the Ōtaki River Bridge Pier 3, in the channel, has also had its crosshead completed, and all columns to the north side of the channel, Piers 1 and 2, are now finished.  Placing of the side panels is also underway.

Pavement construction has continued on Ōtaki Gorge Road.  The earthworks between Ōtaki Gorge Road and the east side of the railway at Marycrest has seen 45,000m3 hauled and placed in the past few weeks.

Culvert 36 on Gear Stream is awaiting the re-diversion of the stream and Culvert 39 on Settlement Stream has all its walls completed with roof construction underway. Culvert 34 on Mangaone Stream has had its floor poured and work on its walls has begun.

View our gallery for more aerial images of the latest construction works undertaken in the north zone.

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