Chris HuntKia ora

Welcome to the May edition of the PP2Ō Expressway construction update – Express Connect.

This month has been another fantastic one for the project. While the change in seasons brings the cooler and wetter months for the crews braving the weather, it also brings to fruition the outstanding new plant life and growth we’ve been able to achieve along the 13km Expressway through riparian planting and landscaping work.

Our efforts to develop an attractive and sustainable landscape by the Expressway is shaping up to be a real success story for the project. This month alone we planted 24,000 plants, taking the total number of new plants put in along the Expressway to an eyewatering 765,000 plants. This brings us to 90% completion of all planting for this project.

I’m sure that when the first drivers experience the Expressway, they’ll observe a design that is sensitive to and supports the Kāpiti District landscape. The Expressway features a multitude of attractive wetlands and stormwater treatment ponds which are already extensively planted and functioning well in advance of the road opening. This is proof of what taking the time to ensure great design, followed by excellent delivery, can achieve.  My thanks go to all the teams involved for the outstanding environmental outcomes during delivery and those that we now see culminating in a ‘green corridor’ which enhances the unique character of the area.

As mentioned last month, we’ve been pushing to get as much asphalt and paving completed while we still have the warmer dry days before winter fully sets in. In terms of numbers this month, we’ve laid more than 100,000 tons of deep lift asphalt on the main alignment and 94% of AC20 and 80% of AC14 are now complete. As a reminder, both AC20 and AC14 are components of the Expressway’s 175mm structural paving (also called ‘deep lift’ asphalt), which are the first two layers of asphalt we lay before applying the ‘icing on the cake’ - 25mm of EMOGPA (Epoxy Modified Open Graded Porous Asphalt).

Unfortunately the colder, wetter winter weather prevents the laying of thin surfaces such as EMOGPA due to low ground/air temperatures which pose a risk to the quality and durability of the product during placement. In the meantime, we’ve been testing our EMOGPA methodology so we’re ready to start laying it   when the weather becomes kinder in September, using the best mix and technique possible. 

The focus over the next four months will be completing the asphalt works on the Expressway’s main alignment followed by the ‘interchanges’ i.e. the on and off ramps. As these ‘tie-ins’ near completion, this is the time to start raising awareness within the community of how the Expressway will connect to local roads at the new entry and exit points. You’ll see us starting to communicate more about using the Expressway as we head towards opening which we expect to take place in late 2022. As part of our familiarisation campaign, there’s an exciting event happening over Queen’s birthday weekend with Steam Incorporated offering three trips on their steam train between Paraparaumu and Manakau on Sunday 5 June. There will be speakers from the PP2Ō project team onboard each of the trips to give a unique view and an insider’s glimpse into the construction of the Expressway.  We have two free tickets to give away - details about how to go in the draw and/or purchase tickets are in this edition of Express Connect further down.

The Peka to Ōtaki Expressway is an exciting new link in the chain providing further completion of the Wellington Northern Corridor Roads of National Significance. Once complete it will provide a safer, more resilient and efficient route between Wellington and the North, as well as a ‘green corridor’ with habitats and plantings to make the journey more attractive and sustainable.

We look forward to sharing the Expressway with you when the time comes. If you need any further information, please visit our website link), or call us on 0800 PP2O INFO or email

Ngā mihi,
Chris Hunt, Project Director

Asphalt construction teams at work.


Significant progress being made on shoulders, medians and barriers.


New entry and exit points being completed with landscaping.

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PP2Ō in numbers

If you’ve missed our recent newsletters, here is a summary of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway project in numbers:

  • PP2Ō is a four-lane expressway stretching approximately 13 kilometres from Peka Peka, north of the Kapiti Expressway, to north of Ōtaki township.
  • Ten structures have been built as part of the Expressway – nine bridges and one pedestrian/cycle underpass opposite Makahuri that will provide a passageway under the Expressway for cyclists and pedestrians to continue their journey on the shared path.
  • 107 streetlights have been installed to illuminate the main alignment and approximately 33.4km of wire rope barriers will be in place along the shoulders and median strip.
  • Approximately 3,600,000 cubic metres of earth have been moved for the construction of the Expressway.
  • Over 50 permanent culverts have been installed under the Expressway in addition to roadside drainage.
  • Six new wetlands have been created along the Expressway as part of the ecological mitigation across the project (i.e. they reduce the impacts of flooding on the road by absorbing stormwater via drainage pipes), as well as the existing Makahuri Wetland being enhanced. 

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Gateway markers and artworks support Expressway experience

A number of artworks and design features will support the Expressway journey, with great progress being made on the production of these this month. A unique vertical sculpture, designed by PiriHira Tukapua, will act as a bridge marker located at the Northern end of the Ōtaki River Bridge. The concrete foundation for this has begun to be poured.

In addition, two key gateway sculptures of precast concrete also designed by PiriHira Tukapua – as well as Rupene Waaka – will be placed at the entry/exit points to the Expressway. We look forward to sharing more detail on the progress of these design elements and artworks in next month’s Express Connect.

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Kaumatua visit Expressway

This month we had distinguished local Kaumatua hosted on site by our Health and Safety team member, Esther Blake. These tours will be an ongoing event for Kaumatua every fortnight and we look forward to showing them the progress being made. 

L-R: Hoani Carkeek, Donna Carkeek, Oriwa Carkeek (Kaitiaki), Amo Clark, Mini Clark (Kaitiaki) and Rawiri Rikihana (Kaitiaki).

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See how the Expressway is progressing from onboard a steam train!

If you want a great excursion for the family on Queen’s birthday then look no further!

On Sunday 5 June, Steam Incorporated will be running train trips between Paraparaumu and Manakau with some of our PP2O team onboard pointing out key features along the way. 

To make sure you don’t miss out:

Win tickets for the Steam train Expressway

We have two tickets to give away – just fill out the survey and tell us how we’re doing to go into the draw on Monday 30 May, 10.30am.

Fill out the survey(external link)

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Time capsule artefacts wanted

The callout for time capsule artefacts continues. If you could leave a piece of history to be discovered by future generations as part of the PP2Ō time capsule what would it be?

PP2Ō is seeking ideas for items to be included in a time capsule which will be placed underneath one of the Gateway Sculptures (gifted to the community as part of the project). Anything placed in the time capsule must be dry and non-perishable, so items made from materials like paper, plastic and glass may work best.

If you would like to suggest an item to be considered for the time capsule, please email

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PP2Ō Expressway team supports Pink Ribbon

The team this month raised over $350, and counting, in support of breast cancer awareness at our  ‘monthly share’ meeting. It was great to be able to support this good cause along with enjoying some tasty treats to start the day.

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Upcoming construction milestones 

Northern area update

  • Deep lift asphalt pavements to be completed by the end of August 2022.

Central area update

  • Winiata Link Road to be fully completed by early September 2022.
  • Wire rope barriers along shoulders and median to be completed by the end of September 2022.

Southern area update

  • Deep lift asphalt pavements to be completed by the end of June/July 2022. Following this, the wire rope barriers along shoulders and median to be completed by July 2022.