Andy GoldieKia ora

On behalf of the entire PP2Ō Expressway project, I would like to wish you all the very best Christmas and New Year. I also want to thank everyone for all your kind messages of support over the past few months. They’re appreciated by all.

It’s been a big year on the project, but now the progress being made is really clear to see. The railway shift at Easter, the opening of Rāhui Road, the reopening of Old Hautere Road and laying the last beam on the Ōtaki River Bridge, are all major milestones reached for the project this year.

Next year, there are a lot more challenges coming up. January will start with the traffic switch to the new local arterial road (LAR) and by the end of the year we hope to have completed many of the bridges across the project.

With more than 17,000 vehicles per day expected to travel through Ōtaki during the holiday period, I also want to urge people to drive safely over the Christmas break and watch out for other road users.

If you need any further information on the PP2Ō Expressway project, please call us on 0800 PP2O INFO or email

Ngā mihi
Andy Goldie, Project Manager

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Traffic management is for everyone’s safety

Over the holiday season, there won’t be many workers on the PP2Ō site but that’s no reason to ignore the traffic management in place.

You might think the lower speeds and orange cones are only there to keep our workers safe but, while that’s important, so is your safety.

Our traffic management team have been grateful for all your kind messages during the year and now they have one for you.

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Construction milestones for 2020

We have a number of major milestones planned for next year. The end of 2020 will see the project having completed more than three quarters of the construction of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway, as well as the shared paths which stretch the length of the project.

We have a number of key milestones planned for the new year including:


  • Stage 1 traffic switch from SH1 at Marycrest to the new Local Arterial Road (northern end only – approximately 800m).
  • Stage 2 traffic switch from SH1 (Marycrest to Te Kowhai Road) to the new Local Arterial Road – (remaining section – approximately 2.2kms)
  • Commence construction of expressway road pavements.
Aerial view looking south at the new Ōtaki River Bridge and the construction progress of the new expressway towards Peka Peka.

The PP2Ō Expressway stretching south from Ōtaki River Bridge.


  • Switch traffic from the existing Gear Road on to the new Gear Road alignment.
Diggers and bulldozers working on the new expressway near Gear Road.

Work progresses south of Gear Road.

  • All the beams for Bridge 8 at Te Horo Beach Road will be in place. The beams will start to arrive on site in January.
View of construction site looking south with the existing State Highway 1 travelling to the left of the construction site.

Marycrest area and the initial stages of Bridge 9 construction in November 2019.

  • Over the year we also expect to complete five bridges:
    • Ōtaki River Bridge (Bridge 5)
    • Te Horo Beach Road Bridge (Bridge 8)
    • Waitohu Stream Bridge in the north of the project (Bridge 1)
    • Rail overbridge at Marycrest (Bridge 9)
    • Makahuri underpass at Marycrest (Bridge 10).
Ōtaki River Bridge from below

Ōtaki River Bridge from below.

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