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Respecting the community

Local communities played a huge role in planning for the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway. They were involved during construction through a community liaison group, neighbourhood forums, events organised by the project team, site tours, an information centre, presentations, newsletters and the internet. That involvement continues through the community liaison and neighbourhood groups that continue to meet now the Expressway is operating.

Some of the highlights of this project’s community liaison (click on image to view larger version):

The Alliance has also contributed to community causes:

  • Our Kāpiti Coast ExpressDay community day on the Expressway raised just over $12,000 for local charities.
  • Our monthly bus tours raised over $2000 for Age Concern Kāpiti.
  • Gold coin entry donations to our Public Open Day raised over $5,000 for Kāpiti Youth Support.
  • We’ve donated over $20,000 worth of labour/materials to the Makarini Reserve Upgrade as part of a community development initiative.
  • Staff produced and sold a recipe calendar to raise $4,500 for the new Kāpiti Ambulance Station.
  • In-kind support for local businesses, charities, Maraes etc.
  • Donations of heat pumps, water tanks and containers for community use.


Community contact

If you are a local resident and would like to discuss a concern or issue with our community liaison officer, please contact:

Lisa McMillan - Community Liaison Officer
