Project introduction

Te Ara Tupua is the project to create a walking and cycling link and improve transport resilience between Wellington and Lower Hutt. It will deliver a safe, connected and resilient route, enabling more people to walk or bike, and connect with local paths in both Wellington and the Hutt Valley.

  • Project type

    Walking and cycling
  • Project status


Project updates

Te Ara Tupua - June 2024
Te Ara Tupua - May 2024
Te Ara Tupua - April 2024
Te Ara Tupua - February 2024
Te Ara Tupua - January 2024

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About the project

Waka Kotahi is partnering with iwi mana whenua (Taranaki Whānui and Ngāti Toa) and local Councils (Wellington City, Greater Wellington and Hutt City) to provide a new walking and cycling route between Wellington and Lower Hutt. Te Ara Tupua will also connect with other walking and cycling facilities such as the Petone Esplanade and the Hutt River Trail.

Waka Kotahi is leading delivery of two sections:

And working with partners on key connecting projects:

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  • Partnership with mana whenua

    Waka Kotahi is partnering with iwi mana whenua to deliver Te Ara Tupua. A Mana Whenua Steering Group was formed with representatives from Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika, and Ngāti Toa Rangatira working alongside Waka Kotahi to make key decisions together as partners on the project.

    Mana whenua partnership

  • Expected benefits

    Te Ara Tupua will provide a high-quality shared path, suitable for a wide range of users, enabling a step change in the number of people choosing to walk or ride between the two cities.

    More people riding and walking will help reduce carbon emissions, improving health, and will ease the pressure on other transport options. 

    It will contribute to regional walks and rides like a future route around Te Whanganui a Tara, and the Remutaka Cycle Trail, supporting local and national tourism and recreational opportunities.

    The new path will also increase resilience – better protecting the rail line from storm and sea surges, and future proofing for sea level rise between Ngā Ūranga and Pito-one. 

  • Who's doing the work?

    We have established Te Ara Tupua Alliance to deliver the Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One section of Te Ara Tupua. An Alliance is a collaborative form of construction contract where Waka Kotahi works as one team with our design and construction partners.

    Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One section

    Te Ara Tupua Alliance is made up of Waka Kotahi working with Tonkin + Taylor, Downer NZ and HEB Construction.

    The Alliance team is also delivering Tupua Horo Nuku on behalf of Hutt City Council. Tupua Horo Nuku is another complex coastal projectmaking it a good fit for delivery by the same team.

    Hutt City Council Tupua Horo Nuku(external link)

    The Pito-One to Melling section of Te Ara Tupua is being delivered on behalf of Waka Kotahi by contractors Fulton Hogan.

    Pito-One to Melling section

  • When will it be finished?

    The Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One section will be constructed between 2022 and 2026.

    Construction of the Pito-One to Melling section began in 2019 and is expected to be complete in August 2023.

  • How much will it cost?

    Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-One section: up to $311.9 million (including contingency).

    Pito-One to Melling section: up to $63.1 million.


Project Contacts

Te Ara Tupua –
More contact info
  • Te Ara Tupua Team, PO Box 5084, Thorndon, Wellington 6145