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Project introduction

20Connect will improve journey reliability along State Highway 20, State Highway 20A and State Highway 20B to provide more choice for people when travelling around southwest Auckland, including to and from the airport.

The completion of improvements to SH20B marks a significant milestone to support clean, green transport networks in Auckland

On Friday 16 April, many residents and guests celebrated the opening of improved State Highway 20B following 15 months of the construction works including night time closures.

The state highway still has more works including landscaping before it will be fully completed but it will not disrupt day-time traffic.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency would like to thank the residents along SH20B and all road users for your patience and support for the improvement works.

  • Project type

    Infrastructure upgrade, Public transport, Road improvements, Walking and cycling
  • Project status


Project overview

20Connect will improve journey reliability along State Highway 20, 20A and 20B and provide more choice when travelling around southwest Auckland, including to and from the airport.

Improvements identified on the state highway network will enhance the public transport system, cater for freight and cyclists and improve access to growth areas adjacent to the state highway.

20Connect is part of a wider programme of works called the Southwest Gateway. This programme is being carried out by the Waka Kotahi, Auckland Transport and Auckland Airport.

Southwest Gateway

  • Video

    An overview of the Southwest Gateway Programme


Project area map

Map showing project area.

We will identify how we can

  • improve capacity and connections on or beside the state highways
  • for private vehicles, public transport, walking and cycling
  • improve safety
  • reduce the effects on the environment and treasured places/taonga
  • identify ways to better manage traffic flow on the network
  • maximise the use and reliability of the existing network and its ability to cope with unplanned events.

Project stages

The project will be delivered in stages over the next 20 years.

Stage 1: Early Improvements by 2020/2021 (COMPLETED):

  • priority lanes to increase the efficiency and reliability of public transport and that will connect with improvements at Puhinui Station
  • new intersections on SH20B to improve access and safety
  • improved walking and cycling facilities, localised road widening and resurfacing, drainage and stormwater treatment on SH20B.

Stage 2: Long-Term Improvements from 2021:

  • state highway widening to support rapid transit
  • increased access to the state highways to free up local roads.

What will be investigated?

The 20Connect project will develop a single stage business case to identify ways to address these issues. Potential improvements that will be investigated will include:

  • improving the capacity and connections on, around or alongside the state highways for cars, trucks, buses and bicycles.
  • optimising the existing network.
  • providing more choices as to how people and goods travel to and from this area.
  • identifying ways to influence the demand on the network.
  • ways to help people planning their travel and choosing travel options.