SH76/SH1 Christchurch Southern Motorway speed limit review

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Project Introduction

We’re proposing a new speed limit on Christchurch Southern Motorway.

Proposing new speed limit of 110km/h

We want to know if you would support a proposed new speed limit of 110km/h on Christchurch Southern Motorway. This is an important road that’s helped to reduce congestion and improve safety and travel time reliability. It’s an essential route for traffic travelling from the south of Christchurch, including inland ports at Rolleston, to the central city and Lyttelton Port. It’s also a strategic transport corridor for moving freight – goods, produce, forestry and services between southern regions.

This motorway currently has a speed limit of 100km/h and we’re keen to hear what you think about our proposal to increase this speed limit to 110km/h.


Description of location

Length of road

Current speed limit

Proposed new speed limit

SH76/SH1 Christchurch Southern Motorway

From east of Curletts Road interchange, Addington, to west of Weedons Road interchange, Rolleston




Motorway on and off ramps at Curletts Road, Halswell Junction Road, Shands Road, Main South Road and Weedons Road interchanges and Berketts Road junction are included in this 110km/h speed limit review. The sections of those ramps connecting to local roads are excluded.

Increasing the speed limit to 110km/h may require some safety improvements (installing around 6km of side protection barrier from Barrington Street to Halswell Junction Road) prior to the implementation of any speed limit changes.

  • Enforcement

    Police apply the same enforcement to 110km/h roads as any other part of the road network. Drivers can expect to see Police patrols on New Zealand roads anywhere, at any time.

  • Heavy vehicles

    The 90km/h speed limit for heavy vehicles and towing vehicles applies on 110km/h roads. Where there are two lanes in each direction, other drivers can safely and easily pass slower-moving vehicles


Next steps

  • Before recommending a new speed limit, NZTA considers all feedback received during public consultation and reviews it alongside technical and safety assessments.
  • NZTA then seeks approval from the Director of Land Transport before setting the new speed limit of 110km/h.
  • NZTA publishes details of the Director’s decision on its website.
  • The process could take up to 6-12 months (depending on any infrastructure required) before any new speed limits are legalised and installed.
  • The speed limit remains at 100km/h until this process is complete.

Have your say

Consultation is open from 3 September 2024 and closes Tuesday 1 October 2024.

Online feedback form(external link)