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Project introduction

We’re making improvements to SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block that will make the road safer and cater for population growth.

  • Estimated project cost

    $84 million
  • Project type

    Safety improvements
  • Project status


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Project overview

SH3 is an important connection between New Plymouth, Waitara and beyond. It connects the Taranaki and Waikato regions, providing an important link for Port Taranaki, the New Plymouth Airport and major industries to the rest of the upper North Island.

  • About the project

    Busy intersections, speed and roadside hazards like power poles and ditches cause safety issues on the road. There were 178 crashes on this route between 2014 and 2023. Six people died and 32 people were seriously injured.

    Many of these crashes happened at intersections or involved drivers running off the road and hitting trees, power poles and deep ditches. There have also been head-on and side-on crashes.

    Traffic is increasing on this part of SH3 which is causing delays, particularly for commuters. Anticipated residential and business growth in the area is expected to increase traffic which will create more congestion and make it difficult for drivers to get on the highway.

    To make the road safer and prepare it for population growth over the next 25 years we’re constructing new roundabouts at four key intersections, installing flexible median barrier, realigning some local roads, and making other minor safety improvements.

    Construction of a roundabout and pedestrian underpass at the Princess Street intersection is now complete and flexible median barrier has been installed between Bayly Street and Mamaku Road.

    Construction on a roundabout and other safety improvements at the Waitara Road intersection is now underway and is due to be complete by the end of 2025.

  • Flexible median barrier

    Flexible median barriers are a key part of this project.

    Flexible median barriers put something between you and an oncoming car, truck, or motorcycle. This means that if someone loses control or drifts across the centreline, the result isn’t a deadly head-on crash.

    Many of the crashes on SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block are head-on or at intersections so the combination of median barrier and roundabouts will significantly reduce the risk of these types of crashes.

    Flexible median barrier will be installed along SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block in sections. The designs for the first two sections of flexible median barrier have now been confirmed. These designs were finalised following engagement with landowners and businesses along the route, emergency services, and representatives from the freight industry.

    The first section of median barrier is complete and starts from approximately 300m west of the intersection of SH3 and Bayly Street and ends approximately 40m east of the Mamaku Road intersection. This section of median barrier does not impact on access to properties or side roads.

    The second section of median barrier will start approximately 40m west of the Nelson Street intersection and will end at the future Waitara Road roundabout. This will be installed once construction on the Waitara Road roundabout is complete. People driving on the road who need to turnaround will be able to use the Princess Street roundabout or the Waitara Road roundabout.

    An informative map displaying where two roundabouts are completed and indications where the flexible median barriers will be installed.

    Flexible median barrier will be installed along SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block in sections.

    View larger image [JPG, 282 KB]


Waitara Road roundabout

Construction is underway on the roundabout at the intersection of SH3 and Waitara Road.

The roundabout, as well as safety improvements to the section of Raleigh Street between SH3 and Tate Road, will make it easier for people to get on and off the highway. Once the roundabout is constructed, people will be able to access Tate Road directly from SH3.

The Waitara Road roundabout is the second of 4 roundabouts being built as part of Te Ara Tūtohu.

Construction on the Waitara Road roundabout is expected to be complete by late 2025.

  • Construction stages

    Construction of the Waitara Road roundabout will be completed in stages:

    Stage 1 (May – December 2024)

    During stage 1 workers completed the following:

    • Stormwater work (this includes the installation of new drainage pipes, stormwater swales along Raleigh Street and SH3, and a stormwater outfall).
    • The relocation of underground services (such as power and internet) along SH3 and Tate Road.
    • Pavement work on Tate Road between the intersection with Raleigh Street through to SH3 following the relocation of underground services and stormwater works.
    • The installation of temporary pavement adjacent to the northbound lane of SH3 (to allow traffic to flow during Stage 3).

    Stage 2 (December 2024 – March 2025)

    Workers relocated underground services and complete pavement and stormwater work on Raleigh Street (between SH3 and Tate Road).

    Stage 3 (March – April 2025)

    During stage 3, the first section of the roundabout on the southbound lane will be constructed. 

    Stage 4 (April – May 2025)

    During stage 4, the second section of the roundabout on the southbound lane will be constructed.

    Stage 5 (June – July 2025)

    This will involve completing work on the section of Raleigh Street between SH3 and Tate Road including turning it into a cul-de-sac, with access in and out via SH3.



Princess Street roundabout and pedestrian underpass

A significant milestone has been achieved on Te Ara Tūtohu: State Highway 3 (SH3) Waitara to Bell Block safety improvements project with the roundabout and pedestrian underpass at the intersection of SH3 and Princess Street now complete.

The Princess Street roundabout has been built first because this intersection has the highest crash rate. There were 17 crashes at this intersection between 2017 and 2021 – more than any of the other intersections along the route.

A unique feature of the Princess Street roundabout is the pedestrian underpass which provides a safe place for people to cross the road – including students walking to and from Waitara High School, which is located on Princess Street.

Making sure people feel safe using the underpass has been a key priority of the design. Pedestrians will be able to see right through the underpass before entering, it will be lit day and night, and it is being monitored by CCTV cameras.

The underpass walls and the roundabout itself also feature a unique cultural expression developed by project partners Manukorihi, Ngāti Rahiri, Otaraua, Pukerangiora and Puketapu hapū (ngā hapū) in conjunction with Tihei Design and Workshop Studio.