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Project introduction

We are preparing a business case a business case to identify ways we can improve the resilience and safety of State Highway 2 through the Waioeka Gorge.

  • Estimated project dates

    Dec 2023–Jun 2024
  • Project type

    Study and investigation
  • Project status


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About the project

State Highway 2 through the Waioeka Gorge is the main route between Gisborne and Ōpōtiki. However, due to its geology, topography and climate conditions, it’s vulnerable to slips and rockfalls, especially during severe weather events, which can result in lengthy road closures and delays.

The business case we’re putting together will make recommendations for how best to address the highest-risk resilience sites through the Waioeka Gorge. We’re working alongside mana whenua, councils and key road users, such as heavy haulage industries and emergency services, to develop the business case.

  • Key features

    We’re preparing a business case to identify ways we can improve the resilience and safety of State Highway 2 through the Waioeka Gorge. It also provides the evidence needed for investing on the corridor. This process includes identifying the problems and objectives, assessing potential solutions and recommending a programme of works to be funded.

    The business case will support the case for funding to address a number of priority sites to manage slips, rockfall and erosion risks. We’re also investigating options that improve readiness and responsiveness to resilience risks, such as enhanced monitoring and provision of heavy vehicle turnaround area.

  • Project timeline

    This project was already underway before Cyclone Gabrielle struck the East Coast in February 2023. However, in the aftermath of the cyclone, we paused work to assess the impacts on SH2 through the gorge and incorporate any necessary adjustments to the recommended options.

    This review was undertaken by the Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) Alliance as part of their work in the region and involved engagement with council staff and close collaboration with iwi, hapū and local contractors to re-evaluate and reprioritise specific sites.

    Approval of the updated business case will be sought in mid-2024. Detailed design and construction stages will follow, subject to funding approval.
