Project introduction

Petone to Grenada Link Road and the Cross Valley Link has been identified as one of the Roads of National Significance. The next steps will include undertaking investigations and considering options for this project.

Road of National Significance

September 2024

This project has been identified in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (the GPS) as part of the Roads of National Significance programme, to unlock housing growth. The next stages of work, to investigate and design the project, have been included in the National Land Transport Programme 2024-2027. This page will be updated when more work has been completed.

  • Project type

    Road improvements
  • Project status


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The Petone to Grenada Link Road and the Cross Valley Link have been identified as one of the Roads of National Significance in the Government Policy Statement on land transport published by the Minister of Transport in June 2024.

The GPS sets the Government’s priorities for investment and project delivery decisions made by the NZ Transport Agency.

Before we can build the new road, we need to do more investigation work. At this stage, project details including the route for a new road are not confirmed. We will keep the community informed about our progress.

  • Previous project

    The last in depth look at the Petone to Grenada Link Road was in the mid-2010s. The previous project was subject to a review in 2017 which found concerns with the previous design, particularly around the resilience of the preferred alignment and recommended the project be redesigned.

    A re-evaluation was undertaken in 2018 in response to the 2017 review. The re-evaluation concluded that further work was needed to determine a preferred package. No work has been completed since this time.

    This project page currently holds archived information about the previous Petone to Grenada project, and about the reviews. We will update this page after the next stage of work begins, when we have more detail to share.

  • Next steps

    Now that the road has been identified as one of the Roads of National Significance, and initial funding has been allocated, the next step is for NZTA to begin investigation work for a new project. The project will be developed in line with the priorities of GPS 2024.  
