The Melling transport improvements will be delivered by Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Alliance (AECOM New Zealand and Fletcher Construction) on behalf of NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.

Why an alliance?

An alliance is a different way of working together, compared to traditional construction contracts. It is a collaborative team made up of design and construction companies, working together with partners to deliver the programme and achieve the best outcomes for the community.

Alliances are increasingly used to deliver complex and challenging design and construction of major infrastructure, especially where the risks are unpredictable and are best managed collectively.   

In this environment there are also opportunities for joint problem solving and innovation, often resulting in more affordable and efficient delivery of projects. 

We have a good track record of working alongside more than 40 alliances on projects including:

  • Te Ara Tupua shared pathway
  • The Waterview Tunnel 
  • Memorial Park undergrounding of State Highway 1 in Wellington
  • Te Ahu a Turanga – the Manawatū Tararua Highway. 

What will be delivered by the alliance?

We will continue to progress the Melling transport improvements through Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi Alliance.

Note: Other components may be completed by the alliance on behalf of NZ Transport Agency, and Greater Wellington Regional and Hutt City councils (eg where the bridge, stopbank, and local roads all meet). The rest of the Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi programme will be delivered by the respected partners.

Next steps

We’ll continue to work closely with the Alliance, mana whenua Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, and our council programme partners.

Completion of the programmes IPAA phase, including market testing of cost estimates, is needed to establish what final design, construction method, and costing will be.

We anticipate the Project Alliance Agreement to be finalised at the end of 2024, with construction on the transport improvements set to begin in early 2025.