Connecting Tairāwhiti is a programme of capital projects across the northern Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti regions to make roads more resilient and safer for drivers. Projects are funded by the Provincial Growth Fund and the National Land Transport Fund.
‘Connecting Tairāwhiti’ is the name of a programme business case that was completed during 2017 and 2018 to identify projects to help improve the economic opportunities for the region, along State Highway 2 (SH2) and State Highway 35 (SH35).
In February 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle severely impacted progress with many works bought to a stop and put on hold while recovery works through Tairāwhiti took priority.
The programme is back underway as of November 2023.
The Connecting Tairāwhiti Passing Opportunities project aims to provide more safe places to pass slow vehicles and more places to pull off the road safely to check messages or take a break on State Highways 2 and 35 across the Tairāwhiti and Northern Hawke’s Bay regions.
An 850m slow vehicle bay is being constructed at Busby’s Hill, 1km south of Tokumaru Bay.
Also under construction at the same site is a mobile phone layby, and resilience works.
This site is due for completion late 2024, weather dependent.
A mobile phone layby is being constructed at Busby’s Hill, 1km south of Tokumaru Bay.
Also under construction at the same site is southbound slow vehicle bay, and resilience works.
This site is due for completion late 2024, weather dependent.
CloseWorks on this site were complete in October 2024.
CloseJune 2024 update
This site is now complete.
Great progress has been made. The site has been sealed, and both lanes are open with a 50km/hr temporary speed restriction in place.
This site is planned for completion May 2024.
Works on this site were completed in 2024.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
Waka Kotahi has constructed a new northbound slow vehicle bay at Kotemaori on SH2 to allow slower vehicles to pull over to allow faster vehicles to pass.
In November 2020, a blessing ceremony was carried out by Ngāti Pahuwera representatives and in July 2021 a tree planting and karakia marked the end of the project. This was attended by 16 pupils of Kotemaori School, Ngāti Pahauwera, New Zealand Police, Higgins, WSP and Waka Kotahi representatives.
View the Kotemaori slow vehicle bay tree planting video
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
Waka Kotahi has repurposed a pull off area to create a slow vehicle bay at Matahorua, on SH2 between Tutira and Putorino.
Works were carried out by Russell Roads over December 2020 and January 2021.
CloseWorks on this site are complete.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
CloseWork to extend approximately 170m of the northbound road shoulder at Kopua Hill SH2 is now complete.
CloseConstruction of the 650m slow vehicle bay at Mohaka Rail Viaduct is now complete.
CloseThe Connecting Tairāwhiti Resilience project aims to strengthen and stabilise State Highway 35 so it can remain open and functional during disruptions such as weather events – allowing locals, visitors and goods to get where they need to go.
Works are progressing well to reconstruct the slope along the northbound side of the road, and build a retaining wall for future resilience and protection of the state highway.
November 2024
Works on this site are complete.
June 2024 update
Good progress has been made on this site with coastal erosion protection due for completion in June, weather dependant.
Pavement sealing will take place in September, weather dependant.
Significant coastal erosion has occurred at Turihaua Point during recent storm events, leading to undercutting of some sections of the road carriageway. Emergency works have taken place to secure the shoreline, with the next phase being to build a rock revetment wall that will protect the vulnerable coastline for generations to come. This work is expected to take three months to complete, dependant on weather, and started January 2024.
CloseWorks on this site are now complete.
They included slip stabilisation, drainage improvements and native revegetation.
CloseImproved safety, efficiency and resilience of regional roading network for our customers.
View the Connecting Tairāwhiti programme business case [PDF, 14 MB]