Project introduction

Connecting Northland is about investing in a more efficient transport network to support Northland’s economy and keep people and goods moving. It's about creating a reliable transport system across the region so people and goods can get where they want to go quicker, safety and more efficiently.

  • Project type

    Road improvements
  • Project status

    Construction, Design, Investigation

Our purpose

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and its partners are working to upgrade the state highway network in Northland to better cope with growing traffic numbers. The region is an increasingly popular tourist destination for national and international visitors alike. Northland is also seeing increasing commercial and freight traffic and we want to increase investor confidence in the region.

Improvements to the network will provide more resilience during extreme weather, as well as improving safety throughout the region.

Benefits of this initiative

The projects that make up Connecting Northland will:

  • support safer journeys
  • improve the resilience of the roading network
  • support the economic success of the region.

The investment will benefit the whole region as connections are improved between communities and facilities.

Connecting Northland is about creating a quality transport system – it's how we connect our airports and our sea ports, and how we make best use of rail infrastructure. It’s how we protect the network for the future.

Connecting Northland is a partnership. With local councils, iwi and everyone in our communities.

The project works are creating jobs locally with a proportion of suppliers and subcontractors being regionally based.

Travelling in Northland

We are working hard to improve the safety and resiliency of the state highway network in Northland. Our work will reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on this hightraffic region. It will create a more efficient pathway between Whangārei and Auckland. We know that delays, detours, stoppages and temporary speed limits can be frustrating but there is a bigger picture. And here it is.

Map showing different projects from Auckland to Whangarei

View larger Connecting Northland map [PDF, 3.5 MB]


Our maintenance work is focussed on ensuring we keep state highways safe.

We run a major road maintenance programme designed to meet the region’s unique needs. Northland highways suffer from alternating very wet and very dry conditions. That’s hard on roading.

The volume of heavy freight on SH1 also means more wear and tear on the road surface.

We are keeping on top of potholes, scabbing on the road, and keeping roadsides clear and clean so drivers have the best possible experience as they travel through the region.  

Journey Planner

Get travel time information, traffic cameras, and updates on delays, roadworks and road closures on state highways so you can plan ahead before getting out on the road.

Journey Planner – Northland updates(external link)

Facebook updates

Get travel time information, traffic cameras, and updates on delays, roadworks and road closures on state highways so you can plan ahead before getting out on the road.

Waka Kotahi Facebook – Northland updates(external link)

What is Connecting Northland?

‘Connecting Northland’ is about Waka Kotahi and our partners supporting Northland through transport solutions to grow and support the regional economy. 

It’s about connecting all communities in Northland – employees to jobs as well as freight to the port and key markets.

This will result in:

  • Safer journeys for all road users.
  • Improved corridor reliability.
  • Increased access to opportunity.
  • Economic development.
  • Improved walking and cycling.

Connecting Northland projects

A number of separate projects make up Connecting Northland. To find out more information about these projects, click on the individual project websites below.