Project introduction

This project covered the area of Royal Road at the intersections of Makora Road and Royal Road southbound on-ramp. We have improved safety and provided better connections for people walking or cycling.

  • Project type

    Safety improvements
  • Project status



As Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland continues to grow, this key route will become even more important. We need to start designing our networks and infrastructure in a manner that gets people to where they’re going safely, and make it more productive to travel by bus, walking or cycling which will contribute to a more connected and vibrant city both now and into the future.

This project has now been completed and final design upgrades delivered.

Project aims

The Royal Road improvements project aims to:

  • improve safety and access
  • provide better connections for people walking and cycling
  • improve travel choice options.  

Proposed improvements

Makora Road intersection  Royal Road southbound on-ramp intersection
  • A new zebra crossing on a raised speed table at the existing slip lane. Includes  a designated cycle path to improve safety for people walking or cycling that need to cross onto either Makora or Royal Road. A new streetlight will be installed at this location.
  • New signalised crossing on the eastern side of Makora Road for those crossing Royal Road. The existing streetlight outside 114 Royal Road will be improved.
  • The northern Royal Road cycle on ramp will be shifted to the east of the new signalised crossing, approximately 16.5m east of its current location.
  • Improvements to the existing footpaths, kerbs, cycle ramps and widening the localised shared-use path.
  • Improved signs and line marking adjustments.
  • New traffic signal phasing to accommodate the new crossings. 
  • Zebra crossing on a raised platform at the existing slip lane.
  • Widening of the existing footpaths and vegetation areas.
  • Improved signs and line markings adjustments.
  • Improved eastbound cycle ramp with a lower kerb platform, to provide a smoother transition for cyclists from road to footpath.
  • Upgrading the existing footpath from a mountable kerb to a standard vertical kerb to provide protection to people walking and cycling around the left turn slip-lane, ensuring cars will not drive over.

Map showing location of proposed cycle lanes and crossings along Royal Road

View larger map [PDF, 247 KB]

Detailed design

December 2023

We heard your thoughts on improving the visibility for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists around corners and ensuring there is no parking on shared use paths. We also understand from the feedback that this area is getting a lot busier and there are school students in the vicinity, hence the majority of respondents are very much in favour of the proposed changes especially with regards to safety and access.

From these insights, we have now developed the detailed design with your feedback incorporated.

The main changes made are:

  • The cycle ramp marking to the east of #114 Royal Rd has been slightly reduced in length to avoid obstruction with the new signalised crossing and to allow a smooth transition to the Northwestern shared path.
  • The existing directional signs on the shared path will be changed or relocated to guide pedestrians and cyclists along the new route on the eastern side of Makora Road.
  • The existing yellow broken lines around the left turn corner of Makora Road/Royal Road has been extended to cover the entire length of the painted cycleway.  This is incorporated to ensure the safety of all road users including cyclists and vehicles.
  • To ensure safety of all road users, there will be removal of 7 square meters of existing tall plants that currently obstruct the view of cars exiting the Badminton Club. This will be replaced with low cover vegetation which has been added to the design to improve visibility of drivers exiting the Badminton Club and avoid conflict with pedestrians and cyclists.

View larger map [PDF, 216 KB]

March 2024

After completing further review of the detail design established late last year, some additional changes have been made to the final design.

The additional changes are:

  • The originally proposed raised safety platforms at Makora Road and the Royal Road motorway southbound onramp have been removed and replaced with zebra crossing line-markings.
  • Adjustments have been made to the traffic island at the Makora Road intersection following the removal of the raised safety platform.
  • A minor change has been made to the slope of the ramps between the road and footpath at the Makora Road intersection so it is less steep to comply with the Auckland Transport Design Standard.
  • A new "Turning Traffic Give Way to Pedestrians" sign has been added to the northern side of the proposed signalised crossing at the Royal Road/Makora Road intersection. It serves as a reminder to vehicles that either run a yellow light or become stuck in the turning zone (for the vehicles making a right turn from Makora Road onto Royal Road). The sign aims to remind drivers to give way to pedestrians and cyclists who are crossing Royal Road at the new signalised crossing.
  • New "Shared Path Begins/Ends" and "Cycle Way Ends" signs have been added to the southern side of the proposed zebra crossing at the Makora Road intersection.
  • Minor changes have been made to the line-markings due to the removal of the proposed raised safety platforms.

Auckland Network Optimisation (ANO)

This project is part of the Auckland Network Optimisation (ANO) programme. The aim of ANO is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of Auckland’s network, with relatively inexpensive and quick changes to our roads and paths, to improve efficiency, agility, safety and support economic growth outcomes.

It is a joint programme between Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport that seeks to enhance people and goods movement, access and efficiency, and provide better transport options to contribute to a healthier and resilient future transport network where everyone can get where they need to safely and efficiently.

Auckland Network Optimisation programme

Frequently asked questions

  • Are Vision Zero principles being rolled out in this project?

    We acknowledge that people are vulnerable, and make mistakes on the road, therefore, incorporating the vision zero principles into urban areas and street designs are critical. 

    The creation of the signalised crossing on the eastern side of Makora Road and footpath widening, creates a safer environment and is therefore designed for human vulnerability.  

    It enables people to feel more connected with their communities, allows people to have choices on how they travel, and makes transport improvements for everyone. 


  • How are you engaging on this project?

    We are keen to understand what stakeholders, businesses and the local community think, and we undertook targeted engagement with parties along this route. The consultation period closed on 22 September 2023.

  • How long will the construction take?

    The construction duration is likely to be four weeks. However, this will be dependent on the construction methodology developed. Given the importance of this corridor we will want to consider the methodology carefully to keep construction impacts to a minimum. 

  • Next steps

    Once our engagement period closes our timeline will follow as below: 

    • collate feedback
    • understand how the feedback impacts the detailed design
    • consider next steps to incorporate into the detailed design. 

    Auckland System Management (ASM) will be completing construction of this project and at this stage it is likely they will commence construction from late May 2024. In advance of this, they will be communicating any updates and potential disruptions.
