Through its research programme, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) invests in innovative and relevant research which plays a critical role in contributing to the government's goals for transport.
The results of NZTA research must be readily applicable to interventions that can be cost effectively applied in New Zealand in the short-to-medium term for longer-term impacts. This page lists all active NZTA research programme projects and is updated as research is completed.
For further information, you can either:
For information on any of these projects, please contact the research organisation directly or email
The projects listed below are currently active. They are arranged according to five outcomes in the sector’s outcome framework.
Economic prosperity
Environmental sustainability
Healthy and safe people
Inclusive access
Resilience and security
There are no active projects under this topic.
To support economic activity via local, regional and international connections with efficient movements of people and products.
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Variability in transport investment costs and mitigations |
Resolve Group |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to examine the variability of capital and lifecycle costs across common transport investments, to identify (if possible) the factors that cause differences and to propose how to minimise or mitigate these factors during planning and investment phases. Stage 1.
Stage 2. (Once suitable data is sourced from Stage 1).
To transition to net zero carbon emissions and maintain or improve biodiversity, water quality and air quality.
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
Evidence review of road space re-allocation |
ViaStrada Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
Undertake a review of road space reallocation to identify factors for successful measured and sustained reductions in network VKT and develop best practice guidance for application in New Zealand. For this research, road space reallocation will be defined as permanent reallocation of existing road space from general traffic to active or public transport modes. The research will exclude dynamic lane allocation for capacity-only purposes, or reallocation for car-pooling/car sharing/higher-occupancy private vehicles. (This research will also exclude non-infrastructure measures for VKT reduction, such as road and parking pricing, travel behaviour change programmes, and workplace subsidy of sustainable transport options. These have been explored in detail in other pieces of research.) The objectives of the research are to:
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Battery electric bus whole of life study |
WSP New Zealand Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to:
The objectives of this research are to identify:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2019/20 |
How effective are transport-related ecological interventions? |
Wildland Consultants Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to assess the following for roading projects in New Zealand:
A Gap analysis will be undertaken that assesses the ‘state of play’ of roading ecological interventions. The Gap analysis will also identify the residual between what ecological interventions are achieving and what they are required to achieve to meet obligations under the Resource Management Act (1991) and the Wildlife Act (1953). This research will address the knowledge gap around the effectiveness of ecological interventions made by the transport sector when carrying out infrastructure projects and maintenance and operational activities. The magnitude and severity of an impact on ecological values depends not only on the nature of the roading or activity project but also on the effectiveness of the interventions implemented. The first objective of this research is to review what the known ecological effects of roading projects have been in New Zealand since (and including) the Northern Gateway project. This will include reviewing the nature, extent and success of ecological interventions undertaken to remedy, mitigate ecological effects. The review will consider:
The second objective of this research is to use data from the review in a Gap analysis that will determine the actual performance of ecological interventions. This will be assessed against ecological criteria, and within the context of the Resource Management Act (1991). |
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2021/22 |
The impacts of and the opportunity to provide holistic improvements to fish passage and natural watercourse drainage/crossing assets |
WSP New Zealand Ltd |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of the research is to provide a tool which leads to improved ecological outcomes where fish passage may be impeded by instream infrastructure around the roading network. The tool will support remediation investment prioritisation to improve fish passage enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem connectivity outcomes for catchments impacted by infrastructures on the transport network. To support understanding of how the objectives can be achieved through our proposed programme, we have expanded on the provided objectives: a. Understand the spatial aspect and scale of fish passage requirements (both number of locations and remedial cost) as it relates to land transport (state highways, local roads, rail)
b. Develop a method and tool for the holistic prioritisation of remediation
c. Develop a toolbox of standardised interventions
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
Determining the health risks and ecological impacts of particulate matter arising from vehicle brake and tyre wear and road surface dust – Stage 2 – Sensitivity Analysis and Source Apportionment Assessment |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of our research is to continue the work begun in project TAR 19-17, updating what is currently known about non-exhaust particulate emissions (NEE) from vehicles in New Zealand. This work will complete the ‘Tranche 1’ recommendations as outlined in the previous report, namely to:
Year commissioned |
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Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Evaluating different approaches to Low Emission Zones around the world |
Beca |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
This research will provide directly transferable evidence to New Zealand, on how different cities around the world have implemented Low and Zero Emission Zones and the advantages or disadvantages of the different approaches. The 2016 study of Health and Air Pollution in New Zealand found that just over 80% of New Zealanders are exposed to poor quality air, with persisting higher rates for Pasifika New Zealanders. As New Zealand becomes increasingly urbanised more and more people are likely become exposed to poor air quality from vehicle emissions. Low emission zones have been an effective tool in improving air quality and people's health in a number of cities across the world, there are hundreds of examples across many countries in Europe and Asia that we can learn from to develop our understanding and craft appropriate legislation. To make the most out of this important research project, it is important to establish and agree clear objectives. We have grouped the knowledge gaps and study objectives described in the Consultancy Service Order into four areas: Health, Climate, Social and Design. Each with the objectives as set out below. Health: To understand the effectiveness of low emission zones as a tool to target better outcomes for peoples’ health. Climate: To understand the effectiveness of low emission zones as a tool to target environmental impacts. Social: To understand levels of public acceptability / social license to low emission zones as well as how equity aspects have been considered. Design: Distil the lessons learnt regarding development, design, implementation and monitoring of schemes, including advantages and disadvantages of charging emissions intensive vehicles from low emission zones versus prohibiting access. |
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2019/20 |
Noise disturbance from individual vehicles |
Altissimo Consulting Ltd |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
Our research will deliver a better understanding of the significance of noise from individual vehicles compared to average levels from steady traffic, and how road layout features influence noise generation. We will establish a consistent framework for monitoring, assessing, and predicting individual vehicle noise and other nuisance noise. This framework will assist Waka Kotahi to assess projects and design elements on a consistent basis. This framework will also allow for the implementation of appropriate interventions to reduce effects. The result of this improved understanding and assessment framework will be to more effectively evaluate and design roading features, such that noise effects will be reduced. The reduced noise effects will result in improved amenity for residents near roads, and a reduced risk of health effects from road-traffic noise, particularly sleep disturbance. The end goal of our research is to provide Waka Kotahi and the wider community with better knowledge and tools resulting in is reduced harm and a better living environment for people adjacent the state highway network. The first objective of our research is to summarise known issues of noise from engine braking, and vehicles driving over bridge joints and Audio Tactile Profile (ATP) linemarking. This objective will yield an understanding of the prevalence and effect of these noise sources. This will largely be performed by a meta-analysis of existing NZ studies, and will be supplemented with the measurement results in this research project. The primary mechanisms resulting in these noise events are understood, but the evidence needs to be collated and formalized to inform decisions and policy. The second objective of our research is to address the lack of standardized approaches for predicting the level or impact of sounds from individual vehicles and sound arising from surface features. We understand that this research should address noise from vehicles traversing road design features such as:
and noise from road surface features such as:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2021/22 |
Direct mortality from roads on native birds: species and sites |
Manaaki Whenua (Landcare Research) |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research topic is to identify native bird species and road sites in New Zealand that exemplify possibly significant mortality by vehicle strike and to develop and test a method to assess rates of road kill. This shall provide the crucial first step in addressing the knowledge gap regarding impacts of direct mortality from roads on native bird populations.
The objectives of this research are:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2023/24 | Environmental and accessibility transport appraisal methodology – an alternative transport appraisal methodology | Principal Economics Limited | Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this proposed research is to investigate, develop, and test an alternative transport appraisal methodology within an accessibility framework. The study aims to address the reduction of vehicle kilometres travelled, greenhouse gas emissions, and facilitating mode shift, in alignment with the requirements of the New Zealand Emission Reduction Plan (ERP). By exploring alternative methodologies and conducting case studies, the research seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding and actionable insights for the development of a new approach to transport appraisal that prioritises government policies, as expressed in the ERP. The objectives of the research are:
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Planning and policy settings for developers to integrate housing development with transport |
Arup New Zealand |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The focus of this research will be on assessing current considerations for housing developers and how these could be improved for:
To protect people from transport-related injuries and harmful pollution and make physically active travel an attractive option.
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2019/20 |
Community exposure to unsealed road-dust emissions |
Tonkin + Taylor |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
Our research will build on existing data to deliver a better understanding of the health and social impacts of community exposure to dust from unsealed roads in New Zealand. Our research will aim to:
The outputs from our research will assist Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi), policy-makers and regulators in understanding and contextualising the impacts of dust from unsealed roads and provide a practical tool for road controlling authorities and other stakeholders to evaluate priorities and quantify the benefits of road sealing. |
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2023/24 | Suicide prevention interventions on the transport network | Boutique Insights Ltd | Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The primary purpose of this research is to identify, from national and international literature, infrastructure-based suicide prevention interventions pertaining to ‘fall from heights’ suicides on transportation networks and the evidence for their effectiveness, including the identification of any displacement behaviour. The secondary purpose of this research is to identify from national and international sources, patterns of observable potentially suicidal behaviour that could be used by network operators observing CCTV footage (especially from Auckland locations) to identify people at risk of suicide on motorway bridges and to determine whether this type of training has been used effectively elsewhere to prevent suicide attempts. These findings will feed into the design of network operator training. The objectives of the research are:
To enable all people to participate in society through access to social and economic opportunities such as work, education and healthcare.
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
Māori experiences and expectations of the transport system in Aotearoa New Zealand |
WSP New Zealand |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
Hāpaitia te ara tika pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mō ngā uri whakatupu - WSP Māori Services Rautaki Māori foster mana-enhancing partnerships by collaborating with Iwi and Mana Whenua to support Māori environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing. This research seeks to give expression to Waka Kotahi treaty partnership with Māori by identifying Māori experiences, expectations and priorities for transport from a Kaupapa Māori Theory framework so to inform the development of key agency responses and help build capability within agencies for appropriate outcomes for Māori. The objectives of this research are to understand:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
E-bikes transport equity research |
University of Otago |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to inform future policy and programmes around ebike uptake in communities in NZ who experience transport exclusion, have low levels of cycling and minimal access to ebikes. This research will achieve this purpose by reviewing literature of similar projects, evaluating a local project and providing information on how to determine other communities that might be suitable for similar initiatives and potential measures of success of those projects. Objectives:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
Teleworking/working from home impacts on travel and land use – pre and post Covid-19 |
WSP New Zealand Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of the research is to ascertain the feasibility of modelling ‘work from home’ (WFH) or teleworking, as an alternative mode choice within existing transport models. This will enable the assessment of WFH relative to the four other modes (walk, cycle, public transport and vehicles), the associated travel implications and to assess land use patterns. This exploratory research aims to determine whether it is possible to arrive at utility functions that can be incorporated into transport models. The objectives of the research are to:
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2022/23 |
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) - what are the benefits and how do you realise these? |
Trip Convergence Ltd |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of the research is to inform policy making by the Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi by
The objectives of the research are:
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
An enhanced, nationally consistent, travel mode choice model |
Data Analysis Australia Pty Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
Public Transport (PT) and active travel modes among network users are considered the most sustainable and low carbon form of ways to travel among locations. However, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency identified that the current national transport model does not forecast PT and walking and cycling uptake during investment planning phases—with consequent uncertainty as to the outcomes of these metrics. Behavioural variables, such as attitude, improved the predictive validity of disaggregate choice models (Ben-Akiva et al., 1999). Many latest studies have found that attitudes are strong predictors of the chosen travel mode, even stronger than, for instance, the built environment and residential location (De Vos et al., 2016; Hess et al., 2018; Ton et al., 2020). However, limited transport models have included such behavioural variables, and if included in current modelling, tend to rely on fuzzy estimations only, thereby impairing their predictive power. Moreover, current evidence suggests that contemporary modelling tends to be precise but not necessarily accurate when it comes to predicting travel mode choices in the future. Emerging science and transport psychology offer the prospect of substantively improving modelling and forecasting, providing more informed investment planning and decision-making. The knowledge gaps of current transport models recognised by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as follows: 1. Current regional-level models have limited mode share capability and there is no evident standardised approach for modelling, data collection, or accuracy requirements, either in Aotearoa/New Zealand or internationally. 2. The vast majority of mode choice modelling focuses only on: i. single-trip ii. single-mode iii. single-trip-purpose, and iv. single-person-type 3. Therefore, often omitting multi-leg, multi-purpose journeys and a broad spectrum of users. 4. Interviews with practitioners and analysis of existing models revealed that behavioural variables are often only fuzzy estimations due to a historic dearth of behavioural data. 5. Finally, a reliance on generalised costs elements of time, distance, and financial cost with elements such as transfer penalties provide only coarse calibration—while simultaneously omitting substantive user-related variables that verifiably have an influence on travel mode choice. Our team brings together experts on transport, psychology of decision-making, discrete choice modelling, and data analysis, and covers scales from individual people to systems. Our goal is to use this expertise to build a “joined together” hybrid model that uses robust objective and psychological variables to predict journey choice. A key consideration is how people make choices involving multi-mode journey options, where there is the potential for complex interactions or trade-offs between factors: a journey involving cycling may not be preferred by the same people who like to cycle if an automobile is involved and conflicts with attitudes to cars. To fill in the knowledge gaps discussed above, we propose the following research objectives: 1. Develop a review of the current and emerging scientific and transport literature pertaining to the substantive drivers or variables behind travel mode choice as they apply to: i. multi-modal, multi-leg, multi-user journeys, and critical journeys ii. interaction effects among these variables. 2. Develop a rationalised set of data inputs is required, in addition to a critique of said inputs that may be used to enhance future data quality and data gathering efforts. 3. Develop standardised procedures that enable actors around Aotearoa/New Zealand to coordinate efforts and share comparable findings. |
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Establishing a methodology for integrated transport accessibility measures |
Principal Economics Ltd |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this proposed research is to inform the establishment of a methodology for creating an integrated, multi-modal, multi-destination spatial accessibility measure, based on current infrastructure, demographics and destination-based accessibility, to replace vehicle mobility-based measures. The methodology should be applicable to both the current conditions of transport accessibility and scenario testing for evaluating different options. Below are listed the objectives of the research and the high-level approach. The project will proceed in two stages. The objectives are to: Stage one: a) Review national and international literature and experience of accessibility measures in transport. b) Identify typical accessibility datasets used in urban areas worldwide, which may not be readily available within New Zealand, and suggest other approaches to measurement which may be adopted in short and long terms. c) Identify how active-mode network analytics could consider levels of service and desirability of links, given the data sets currently available in New Zealand; d) Explain the various ways live and static General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) files have been used overseas (and in New Zealand) to inform aspects of spatial accessibility (with more of a focus on connectivity rather than PT performance-analytics). Stage two: e) Identify weighting and calibration factors for saturation curves to quantify diminishing additional benefit of reaching more destination-types; f) Use modal reach curves to quantify how far people are willing to travel in different New Zealand contexts to reach different destination types; g) Develop appropriate weighting for integrating different destination types into measures which take the price of land and transport into account and represent the 'value' of reaching different destination types for different population groups. h) Inform production of a toolkit (being developed in parallel by Waka Kotahi) that will enable assessment and measurement of accessibility based on a wide range of measures, in addition to access to employment, at all levels of the transport system. |
Year commissioned |
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Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
The demographics of Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) |
Principal Economics |
Editing |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the motor vehicle profile of households across New Zealand, focusing on their demographic and spatial characteristics in relation to Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT), emissions, and safety outcomes. The research aims to inform VKT reduction initiatives, transport policies, and decision-making at national, regional, and local levels. The study will use data from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), Household Travel Survey (HTS), and Motor Vehicle Register (MVR) to derive statistical models that can help design and target policies and activities for reducing light vehicle kilometres traveled (VKT) and achieving sustainable transport outcomes. The resulting dataset from the research project will feature data on household demographics, vehicle ownership and usage patterns, GHG emissions, and related variables. We will work with Te Manatū Waka and the client teams in using this dataset as an input to generate the synthetic dataset (SURF) to serve as a cross check against Te Manatū Waka Monty outputs. The research will compare and review the spatial distribution of VKT, emissions, health impacts and safety profiles derived from this analysis with relevant existing models, i.e. HAPINZ and VEMT The research will proceed in two stages, with a continue or stop decision to be made at the end of stage one. The objectives of the research project are as follows: Stage one a. Review existing studies by Te Manatū Waka, Waka Kotahi, and other published sources to analyse residential/private light VKT and identify best practices for modelling and allocating light VKT. b. Identify the range and variances of household and individual demographic characteristics that can be extracted from the IDI and the Household Travel Survey (HTS) data for analysis and link them to vehicle ownership, use, and GHG emissions. Stage two c. Link odometer readings (VKT) to personal and household demographics while maintaining privacy and anonymity of records adhering to Statistics NZ IDI Five safes framework and confidentiality rules. d. Leverage the MVR to create a comprehensive fleet VKT/GHG profile regionally for use in the VEPM. e. Derive associations between demographics of VKT and GHG emissions, including safety and emissions profiles of households. f. Evaluate the safety profile of the vehicle fleet in terms of star ratings and compare it to regional DSI rates to identify areas where interventions may be necessary to reduce the risk of trauma. g. Use HAPINZ air quality health data to record health conditions due to transport emissions spatially as a layer and integrate it with the Vehicle Emission Mapping Tool (VEMT). h. Derive spatial and regional calculations of VKT emissions (CO2, NOx) for different demographic characteristics of households and compare them to official type-approval emissions profiles in Right Car. i. Create statistical models that link the main characteristics and impacts of people, households, location, vehicles, and vehicle use associated with patterns of VKT, including high-growth VKT. j. flexible outputs that can be input into a SQL database and include an accessible Synthetic Unit Record File (SURF) using a statistical model to be specified by Te Manatū Waka and the synthpop R package. |
Year commissioned |
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Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2024/25 |
Vertically integrated public transport measurement |
Stantec |
May 2025 |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is to identify a public transport measurement approach that can be meaningfully applied at a national level while providing clear insights at a regional and local level. The objectives of the research are to:
To minimise and manage the risk from natural and human-made hazards, anticipate and adapt to emerging threats and recover effectively from disruptive events.
Year commissioned |
Project title |
Researcher |
Indicative delivery |
2023/24 |
Identification of strategic vulnerabilities in freight |
Principal Economics Limited |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
The purpose of this research is two parts: Firstly, to identify significant vulnerabilities within the national transport network which could cause disruptions to the national freight network, impact on strategic supply chains and result in significant costs to end users. Secondly, to address mitigations activities which are currently, or could be, used to reduce or eliminate the vulnerabilities in part one. The objectives of the project are to: a) To identify significant vulnerabilities within the national transport network which could cause disruptions to the national freight network, impact on strategic supply chains and result in significant costs to end users. b) To address mitigations activities which are currently, or could be, used to reduce or eliminate the vulnerabilities. The analysis should include important nodes (eg, ports) and linkages (eg, roads) in the freight system and needs to predict what would happen to supply chains if they were unusable for a period. The outcome of this project will inform the need for hardening or building redundancy into the freight system. |
Year commissioned | Project title | Researcher | Indicative delivery |
2021/22 |
Climate change interventions to reduce carbon and greenhouse gases – behavioural and economic instruments to effect mode change |
Principal Economics Limited |
Publication pending |
Purpose and objectives: |
Research to understand how and to what extent the generalised cost between private vehicles and public transport/active modes need to change for mode shift to occur in New Zealand's three largest urban areas – Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Building on this, the research will consider the sequencing of the implementation of effective mode shift measures in these urban areas. The objectives of the research are: a. assess and determine the generalised costs necessary to facilitate mode shift from cars/light passenger vehicles to public transport and other active modes for Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to reduce carbon/GHG emissions. b. assess the different types of policy instruments that can be used to change the generalised costs between modes for Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to reduce carbon/GHG emissions. c. an assessment of the effectiveness of identified pricing policy/instruments to reduce carbon/GHG emissions and their socio-economic impacts, including equity/distributional impacts in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. d. identify and assess how to sequence mode shift policy instruments to reduce carbon/GHG emissions in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. e. assess the types and quality of public transport that needs to be provided before and after the implementation of road charging/pricing systems in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. f. assess the public transport fare structure that needs to be implemented prior to and after the implementation of road charging/pricing in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. g. quantify the estimated range of carbon/GHG emissions of implementing the various policy approaches. |