Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


This section covers the:

  • principles that guide and direct our (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) investment decisions
  • policies that support the principles and provide more detail in specific areas.

Purpose of investment principles and policies

Waka Kotahi investment principles and policies ensure our investment partners understand what is required when developing their investment proposals and guide our investment decisions. They enable us to be fair and consistent, and follow the requirements of governing legislation, primarily the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

These principles and policies are intended to be enduring and sit alongside the directions for investment set out in the Government Policy Statement on land transport.

Government Policy Statement on land transport(external link)


The five investment principles partner the operating principles set out in the Land Transport Management Act. They are high level, holistic and enduring, and are supported by investment policies that guide investment decision-making.

These investment principles will guide new investment policies, the application of existing investment policies and the development of transport solutions funded from the National Land Transport Fund.

Investment principles


Investment policies provide more specific detail on requirements relating to investment from the National Land Transport Fund. Investment policies are published in this Planning and Investment Knowledge Base and are updated from time to time.